Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Chapter 16

I take her backstage to greet the band when they come off stage. Nana and my dad are waiting for them as well.

"Quite a way to make an exit." Dad states in a disapproving tone.

"Hell, yeah it was!" Nana hoots. "So, are you to officially an item?" Nana asks hopeful. I look at Nix.

"I guess we are." She says smiling up at me. "Hi, I'm Dayjanerah but everyone calls me Phoenix." She outstretches her hand to my dad. He takes it in his, with subtle reluctance.

"I'm Raymond Shinning, Evans father. Quite a unique name." He looks back to me. "What are your plans tonight?" He asks with a sharpness I find rude.

"Were camping out on the river tonight, the guys and I set up camp earlier today. I think some of our other friends are planning on joining." I state seeing Mathew, Lizzy, Zeke, Tyler, and Marie pop in. "You guys want to come camping at my place tonight?"

"Actually, Mathew and I have plans tonight. We just wanted to pop in and congratulate you for the awesome show. You guys killed it." Lizzy smiles warmly from under Mathews arm.

Thanks Lizzy, thank you both for coming." They wave walking out.

"You want to Marie?" Zeke asks.

"Sounds good to me." She replies leaning close to him. She is about an inch taller than him, but despite that they flatter each other well.

"What about you Tyler?" I ask. He is more quiet than usual.

"Actually, I am dating someone. I really want to go hang out with her." Hu, Tyler found someone for more than one night it seems. I hide my curiosity.

"Okay, well I guess I'll see you Monday." I tell him. He nods racing out the door.

"Evan?" Hmm I look down at her. "Can I steal you away? There is someone I want you to meet." I look up at Nana.

"Tell the guys Ill meet them at camp?" I ask

"Ok. Have fun! Your dad will pick up pizzas on his way home." She smiles, and dad shoots her a glare. He doesnt argue though. No one argues with Nana.

Nix grabs my hand leading me through crowds expertly dodging drunks, I really dont like how much practice she has at it. She pulls me completely out of the open building we played in, towards some lawn chairs towards the back. As soon as Im recognized a tiny bundle of blond leaps in my arms. "Hello Serina," I laugh. She smiles wide at me, exposing her gapped teeth.

"You sing good Evan!" She exclaims. Nix pulls her from me and sets her down tugging me to a small frame covered in blankets. I find it odd considering how warm the night air is.

"So, you are the famous Evan." She smiles through chapped lips. Her eyes are bright and slightly blood shot.

"You must be Sara?" I ask Grabbing her skeletal fingers outstretched to me. "Its good to finally put a face to the name."

"It is indeed." She smiles even wider. "Heck of a show you put on out there. "I didn't know Elliott could play."

"I actually just taught him the one song this week." I smiled

"You planned that kiss?" Nix asks.

"Indeed, I did." I nod smiling at her. "Does he know you are here?" I ask. "He will be thrilled to see you."

"No, Nix smuggled us out last minute. Our parents decided to go on a date. I am supposed to be home resting but when I heard Nix's boyfriends band was playing, I had to come. I am so glad I did." She looks up at the stars. "Its a beautiful night." She smiles again. I can see why Elliott likes her. She glows with kindness and gentleness. She has blond hair and kind eyes. The kind of girl most guys would want to take home to meet the parents. "Well, I think this has been enough excitement for one night. Will you tell Elliott I am home?" I nod.

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