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Chapter 11

It has been two hours since I brought her back to my place. Her seizures have subsided but every now and again she has another one. They are less and less but when they come, they are more severe. I googled what to do short of giving her the pills, which Nana and John demanded that I am under no circumstances to do. They swear this needs to happen. I still can't wrap my mind around anything they said feeling they are all just whacky. At the same time as stupid as it sounds, I can deal with Nix being a Phoenix, I don't know if I can be ok with her being a basket case. Plus, who doesn't want to be a dragon? Her body starts convulsing again and I pull her body closer to mine keeping her on her side. I bury my face in her neck talking to her, reassuring her it's okay. I don't know if she can hear me or not, but it makes me feel like I'm doing something to help her. The seizure ends leaving her whimpering.

"You awake Nix?" I whisper.

"I have to pee." She groans pushing me away, resulting in me almost falling out of my bed.

"Okay, let me help you." I grab her elbow and try to help stable her as she stands. She wobbles before pulling her arm away from my grasp. Her face scrunches together in confusion.

"I can pee on my own thanks though?" She says it more like a question than a statement.

"Right, it's over."

"I know where the bathroom is, Evan." She interrupts me walking stiffly and wobbly to the bathroom. I get up and walk to the kitchen deciding on coffee. As soon as I sit down, she's behind me.

"What happened?" She demands rubbing her head.

"You started seizing, Nana told me to bring you here and take care of you," I tell her slowly, she seems off.

"You didn't think the hospital was a good idea?" She asks looking at me like I'm an idiot.

"Ummm I..."

"Dude, you broke up with me you don't get to play hero." She starts walking towards the door.

"Where are you going?" I ask desperately.

"Home. I need to take my pill, I forgot it this morning."

"You can't," I say before remembering I can't tell her why she can't.

"And why is that?"


"Yeah and you say I'm acting weird. Look I'm tired my head is pounding I'm going home." She states walking for the door.

"You shouldn't be alone; I'll come with you and hang out until you're feeling better." I'm grasping at straws not liking how things sit between us.

"Then I will call Tyler, so stop playing boyfriend." She's is still walking to the door.

"Then take my keys. I'll pick my car up later I don't want you to walk." I put them in her hand.

"I'll take the four-wheeler. I'll bring it back some other time." She throws the keys at me, then slams the door. I watch her from the window, she does not take the four-wheeler. I stand by the window for a long time. Long after I watch her turn in her driveway. Long after I see a black crotch rocket pull in her driveway. I am still there when Nana comes home.

"Where is Nix?" She asks.

"I screwed up Nana," I state.

She nods. "Yeah you did, but there is still hope." She walks to me putting her arm around me. "She is a forgiving girl with a big heart. She still cares for you; she can't help herself." She rubs my head. "This green has to go Evan. Any other color okay, but seriously green? What do you think? Are you ready for a change? I mean you are almost a dragon; you should put a little more effort in." She looks at her watch. "It's only four come on I know a place." She grabs my elbow pulling me closer to the door. "Plus, your dad sent me his credit card for all your expenses, and I have been dying to spend that man's money."

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