Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

The last twenty minutes of class were amusing to say the least. Mr. Ross had us debate on silly topics like which ninja turtle was better. Not everyone participated but those that did made the class engaging and memorable. By the end of class, Mikey was the clear winner with the argument being he has a never-ending supply of pizza. Mr. Ross called me to his desk to hand me a Get out of jail free card from monopoly with words crossed out and rewrote to say "get out of essay free card" along with a coupon he freshly printed with my 50 extra credit points.

"There is a pretty big assignment coming up that will be a big part of your grade. It has the potential to be a group project almost everyone plans to be a group, but some are leaning more towards an independent project. Its a lineage project. Everyone had a DNA sample sent in to find out their heritage. The results aren't back yet so after school I need you to go to the biology lab to get that done. You can choose to partner with anyone that has common ancestry. An example being anyone with More than three percent Irish descent can collaborate to find similarities and go off, that. There is really a lot of creative freedom here so have fun with it." He grabs some papers out of his drawer. "This is the information packet explaining what is expected also here is an example of what I will be grading for. You haven't missed too terribly much so I will be expecting you to participate. If you need additional help my door is open." I nod glancing throughout the papers.

"Thanks, Ill try not to disappoint." I shove them in my bag and make my way for the door.

The next few classes fly by with only one other interaction with Phoenix. I'd seen her in the hallway in between classes. She was talking hushed, engaged in a deep conversation with a sandy-haired boy. He was standing too close to her their knuckles brushing against each other as they walked. It made my stomach drop at the idea she might be involved with him on an intimate level. Not that she has any commitment to me, I'd like to think after our first period encounter, I had a fair shot. After all she didnt punch me. His eyes met mine and he throws his arm over her shoulders making his claim noted. He whispered in her ear making her eyes shoot up and connect with mine. I attempted a smile but knew it was week. She had cut across the hall his arm still on her. "Hey Evan, this is my Tyler. Tyler, Evan." She gestured to me. She didnt elaborate on their relationship which, in my mind, left some room for hope.

"Hey." I nod at him still not liking his arm on her.

"Has anyone invited you to the bon fire this weekend yet?" He asks arm still loosely draped around her slender shoulders.

"Someone mentioned it last period, didnt get the details yet though. Whats it all about?" I ask remembering clearly the heavily blessed but poorly dressed blond from last period inviting me to be her date. Tiffany, I think her name was.

"Senior party, just the first one of the year all the grades go but seniors host it. Will be music, fire, swimming, no adult supervision, and of course the friendly scrapping. Its kind of a tradition at any party at this school." He looks down at Phoenix. "Might be nice to have someone new, maybe someone could take down the reigning champs from last year. Ive been told they are a bit cocky." She rolls her eyes.

"Will you be there?" I ask phoenix.

She raises an eyebrow, I intend to be." She replies with a sparkle in her eyes. Tyler and I banter back and forth a bit and I decide I like him. We like the same music and he really knows his cars. He has a motorcycle and has been teaching phoenix to ride it. I walk with them to lunch and am quickly introduced to a table full of a variety of students. Marie being the first one to which I find out is Tyler's younger sister. Phoenix introduces me to the next girl down the line Veronica, a curvy girl with a deep tan and onyx hair. She has prominent brown eyes and a pouty mouth with an exaggerated cupid bow. Her smile is inviting, and she immediately starts the flirt game. A boy beside her with blue eyes and brown hair rolls his eyes and quickly introduces himself as her boyfriend, Brian. She smiles and pecks him on the cheek. Hes a tank of a guy with stubble on his chin and little words. Observant though, his eyes don't seem to miss anything. Tyler and Marie are goofballs constantly bickering between the two. There was also Lizzy, a slender, blond haired, and naturally tan girl that was easy going and flirtatious with anyone that would play along. There were others with us that would throw in some funny quips every now and again but for the most part was those three. Glancing around the cafeteria I find a sense of familiarity, the cliques, the table closest to the buffet were noticeably the jocks and populars, next to it the smarty pants, over there the stoners, next table band geeks. The table closest to ours, the hard core looking for a good timers. Up until recently thats where I would have naturally settled in. Even now it calls to me, literally, Tiffany is waving me over. I tighten my grip on my water bottle not enjoying the temptation. It would be way too easy to fall into an old habit. Phoenix reaches her hand out and flicks the cap to my water bottle exactly right, causing my fist to collapse the cheap plastic on the nearly full bottle. Water and the cap slam me in the face. Tiffany erupts in giggles.

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