Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

We take another helicopter paying a man at a local hanger handsomely to not ask questions. He flys us to another hanger off the shores of Oregon somewhere. Job can sense my anxiety and is whining nonstop. Frank finds an empty apartment nearby for us all to prepare for the extraction of Nix. He hands me a bullet proof vest as well as a rifle and handgun. I load both double checking the safety.

"Ok Evan, what exactly do you think we are up against?" Frank asks.

"I have no idea; I think all just demons or humans. Except one. I dont know what he is. Nix has attacked him multiple times with making hardly any damage. She snapped his neck once, but he was back in less than 20 minutes." They all look worried.

Linda grabs a book skimming through pages. "I have nothing on any creature that can withstand Azrael or the flesh other than the dragon." She throws it down looking at her family. "Zeke I want you to stay here honey. I wont be able to concentrate if all Im doing is worrying about you." He goes to argue but she silences him. "Evan? Can you talk to Zayes? Maybe he has some insight on what we are facing. Also, if you guys could merge that would be super."

I call to Zayes and his answer has never been so quick. I open my mind and let him see everything I have seen. I ask him about merging, and he says it isnt possible yet. But closer. I sigh. He asks for control and I relinquish it. "All demons but one." He grumbles demanding everyones attention. "The man in a suit, is as ancient as I. Beware, He cannot be killed only subdued. Only the dragon can kill him."

"What is he?" I ask out loud.

"Not important, just try not to engage." With that he pushes to the back of my mind.

"Well that was unhelpful." says Linda loading her gun. "according to google maps will take us about an hour once we hit the water. You guys ready?" I nod standing up. "I guess head shot and double tap the guy in a suit."

"Now that sounds like a plan. " I reply

She grabs frank pulling his head to hers. "Remember our mission. Save her not me." She smiles kissing him quickly before pulling away and charging out the door.

We settle on a speed boat and get it in the water quickly. We don't speak other than our initial game plan of us parking a way off from the yacht and me swimming us under the radar to invade. I will go downstairs with Linda, while frank clears the upstairs. We rendezvous on deck and escape quickly. Its not much of a plan but its the best we got. Zayes says he wants control when the boat comes to view, and I give it knowing its our best chance. I look away while Linda and Frank get emotional.

"Fight good babe." He tells her swatting her butt before she leaps in the water. Zayes dives in and I feel my body rip apart. I dont feel the pain like I did before in the lake, but its still unpleasant. He rises to the water and Linda and frank grab on tightly as Zayes propels us through the water. I feel like we are going faster than the boat with little movement. Zayes explains he is commanding the currents to do the work for him. As we reach the yacht, he tells them to hold their breaths before diving deeper in the water. He throws us in the air landing all three off us on the deck. He lands with a crash and snatches a demon by the face throwing him far in the water. Linda spots the box and opens it while frank and I take out four men. She looks at me shaking her head. Of course, this couldn't this be easy. We break off with Linda and I taking the stairs. I doubt anyone is on deck that we haven't already taken out. Another man hauls towards us, Linda Jumps High landing her knees on his shoulder. She hammers down with her entire weight in her elbow and knocks him unconscious. She leaps from him readying her weapon. We were undercover until then. The sound of her battle cry surly alerted everyone remaining on the boat. A man pops his head from a door.

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