Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

John Greets Nana and Nix warmly before giving me a strange once over, his eyes making me squirm. He abruptly decides to ignore me while Nana pulls me to a chair on the side while Nix sits close to him. He bows his head at her, yes, I mean bows, its creepy. He looks at her with such fondness it reminds me of the way a grandfather would look at his favorite granddaughter. She responds to him with kindness and compassion. You broke up with her stupid stop over analyzing her, my subconscious reminds me. I cross my arms and set my jaw, the old man looks at me and I glare. His eyes flash before shifting to a Light blue with a dark blue streak down the middle resembling a serpent crest. I jump up startled, but Nana thumps me with her arm in the gut. "Sit down, you don't want to make him angry." I look at her in confusion. "Just trust me and sit." I look back at the old man whose eyes still look like a snake. I look at Nix slumping in her chair. "I have been waiting a long time for this. Nana states, her slender arm still over me in my chair.

"Azriel? Is it you?" the old man asks Nix. Her eyes change again. I'm ready to run as her milky skin begins to glow like embers. Nana gasps.

"I told you, John! I knew it was her! You doubted me." Nana shouts triumphantly. I start to stand. "Sit your butt back down its about to get good," she states.

"Zayes, I knew you'd come," Red says resting her head in his hand.

He smiles affectionately. "I see my vessel," he stares at me. "Unimpressed," he states flatly.

"Oh no, he is good. He is worthy." My eyes are huge as I listen to them talk. Nana nudges my arm handing me a flask.

"Nana seriously? I drove." She pulls it away.

"Oh right." She takes a heavy swig. "If you change your mind," she says putting it back in her purse.

"Boy, Come here." Red calls.

"Nah, I'm good here," I say pretty convinced I don't want to.

She smiles at me. "You have scared him, Zayes." The old man waves his hand in my direction.

"No, I'm not," I declare.

"Yes, he is." Nana says with a mocking nod. I send her a glare. "Prove it. They won't hurt you. It's part of you, Evan." I look bizarrely at her, feeling my brows knit together. They have all lost their minds. Red gets up and walks slowly to me, with movements that seem otherworldly. I resist the urge to move away from her.

"I'm still Nix, just another part she has yet to discover. I didn't mean to frighten you last night. I thought he was in you. He should be but he is stuck. You are not ready to be a vessel. Your mind and heart hurt." She places her hand on my face cupping my check. "You can feel I'm still her. Shes just sleeping."

"Frightened him? That's why you guys have been so weird! You broke up with her because Azriel spooked you!" Nana exclaims putting it together.

I nod continuing look at Nana hoping for an explanation for all the crazy, or to wake up from this nightmare.

"Evan, I know how crazy this sounds." She grabs my hand turning my arm up. "This mark is more than a birthmark." She points to the old man who shows me his. It's identical to mine but on an aged wrinkle and saggy skinned old one. "That mark is a gift of our people. Its a promise made between a man and beast that merged to protect the most precious thing our world has ever known," she gestures to Nix.

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