Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Pain ignites me as darkness engulfs me. I always thought dying would be peaceful, seems I was wrong. I feel like my body is burning. I am ripped from the pain suddenly and am with regrets and visions of people I have hurt. None hurt as bad as watching Nix watch me die. Not even watching Alex die. I wonder if I will see him soon. Red said he was at peace, I am too. I am at peace with the person I was when I died. Sure, I have done terrible things but, in the end, I did the only thing I was meant to do. I saved her. Mr. suit, that's what I will always call him, thinks he killed the dragon. He thinks he was bound to me. That means Zayes can still save her. I just don't get to be a part of the grand plan. That's ok every chess match needs pawns. I am one lucky pawn; how many pawns earn the love of the queen? Oh, what a beautiful queen she was. I hope I don't forget her. Her softness on my skin. Her gentleness in an embrace. I would die a thousand times just to love her again. Millions for her to love me back. Fire burns my insides. The worst pain I have ever felt sears my brain and all through my veins. If I could scream I would. I am crippled, overwhelmed with the pain. Hours pass with no relief. Maybe days. When I convince myself, I am burning in hell the pain stops. I sigh in relief, I heard that. Wait... I wiggle my toes. I can feel my toes. I snap my eyes open in darkness, I fumble my fingers around feeling cold metal all around me. My body feels supercharged. I can feel strength in my limbs like I never thought to be possible. I feel supernatural. "Surprise." I jump at Zayes voice.

"Oh no, give me back the pain over being stuck in eternity with the bitter beast." I mumble.

"That is the worst thank you I have ever heard," he growls. "You did it, Evan. You are alive."

"Thats not possible." I say felling my body with trembling fingers finding only a thin sheet of paper covering me.

"It wasnt possible. Now it is. We merged idiot."

"What? You said I wasnt ready that it would probably kill me." I accuse him.

"You were already dying; I took a chance. Lucky for both of us I saved you just in time. Also, you listen better when you are dead."

"So, somehow by me dying I was more susceptible to the merge?" I ask. I begin feeling trapped and overwhelmed by the metal prison.

"Now youre getting it." He says morphing his mind in mine causing me to shudder.

"That felt gross." I state. Kind of felt like cold slime oozing around inside me.

"I have had enough with this, can we find Azriel now?" He growls.

At the mention of Red I punch my fist out straight from my head breaking the door clean off its hinges. I was afraid of that. It only confirms my suspicions of being in the dead people cooler. I look down at my toe now bathed in cheap light. I have a toe tag. Of course, I have a toe tag. I pull myself out towards the light and throw my feet to the ground with more force than I knew I had. First off I need the truth. I state stretching my muscles. Adryel, is what he said true? That you tried to kill Red?

Yes. He states. I was created out of necessity. There needed to be a keeper of the dark souls, and at one point that was me. I was Hades. Her and Adryel were too powerful and I knew I could never win if they ever came after me. Adryel was wise and skeptical, Azriel wasnt. I coaxed her to me and attempted to end her. He states. She healed me as I tried to kill her. Everyone is the villain in someones story, Evan. Everyone has a past; it is what we do with our futures that define us. I changed my fate. I became the protector of innocents when my purpose was to be the destroyer. I have done many terrible things, but I choose to make up for them instead of punish myself for them.

Thats why you are so hard on your vessels. I state. You failed her more than anyone, so you have the most to prove.

No, I am hard on vessels because they are stupid.

Whatever you have to tell yourself. I shrug him off trying to position the sheet around me to cover myself. I give up dropping it and snagging a lab coat off a hook in the corner.

Enough of this, we need to find her. He demands.

I nod my head, "Okay, dragon. Lets go find our girl."

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