Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Waking up to Nix in my arms was the perfect end to a perfect dream. She slept soundly as I stirred pulling her closer. Im the first one awake, I never had needed much sleep to sustain me. The sun is just rising telling me its the perfect time to run home and steel the first cup of coffee. I look at Nix sleeping peacefully but decide to let her sleep. Walking towards home I hear brush snap ahead of me. I snap my eyes up and duck behind a tree to see Elliott walking with Sara wrapped around his arm carrying a thermos of my delicious desires of caffeine. Sara looks better today. Her eyes seem brighter, I didnt know that was possible, but I see it is. Her steps seem less wobbly, and more confidant. My brother is unmistakably in love with her. He stops on the trail to kiss her, feeling awkward watching I walk back to camp. The air is warm and humid, I decide to swim while I wait on the love birds to show with my precious coffee. The water is cool and refreshing. I watch minnows nibble at my legs tickling me slightly. I float on my back fighting the current, just simply existing.

"Where is Evan? I expected him and Phoenix to be snoozing." Sara breaks the silence.

"No, Evan doesn't sleep much my guess is he is in the river." Elliott replies. "Open the lid to the coffee and he will appear. He can smell coffee a mile away."

"Someone say coffee?" I walk to shore smiling.

"Told you." Sara laughs at Elliott's response.

"Someone better wake Nix, she will want some." Sara says looking at Elliott. "Not it!" they both yell in unison.

"I'll do it." I kneel beside her.

"Make sure to duck," warns Sara. "She wakes up like a bear."

I roll my eyes leaning in to kiss her softly awake. I'm her dragon she wouldn't hit me. My lips touch hers softly and her left fist splits my lip. I fall back as Nix mumbles. "Peanut butter." Her eyes are still closed. Elliott and Sara snicker at me.

I slap her lightly. "Jelly, why are we hitting each other?" I ask

She opens her eyes looking at me accusingly "What happened to your lip?" She asks sipping the coffee. Sara placed in her hands.

"You hit me." I state.

"Why did I do that?" She asks.

"I woke you up." I state not being able to be mad at her.

"Why the heck would you do that? I always wake up swinging." She states our eyes locked as she takes another sip.

"I don't know, I guess because I had this strange idea true love conquers all." I say through a half smile.

"Not when I'm dreaming about peanut butter." She states in a matter of fact kind of way.

"Why peanut butter?" I ask confused.

"Dude, who doesn't dream of peanut butter?" I bust up laughing at how strange this conversation just got. She shakes her head continuing to drink her coffee. She looks around locking eyes with Sara. "When did you guys get here?" She asks eyes bouncing back and forth between Sara and Elliott.

"Are you awake yet?" Sara asks.

"No, takes a half pot to get my motor going, you know the drill," she says passing her empty cup to Sara then snuggling back in the covers.

"Oh no you don't." I say pulling her out. She shrieks being pulled from the warmth of the nest she was sleeping in. Her body is cold considering how warm it already is. "Ill keep you warm," I promise pulling her on my lap as Sara hands her another cup. I rake her hair out of my face blowing away the wisps that entered my mouth. "Better?" I ask, her nestling on my lap.

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