Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

I toss and turn all night knowing I screwed up, but not knowing where I stood either. Things I know, Red is Nix. Nix dreams of me in the same distorted images I have of her. Something weird is going on with her. The eyes, the accent, the overall change in appearance. I don't know what to think, maybe I am crazy? I really don't know. My entire brain is fried. I need sleep, I need my stupid head to shut up and let me sleep. Maybe I should talk to her? No, I cant until I know more. My phone buzzes. I check it, seeing a new notification for snap chat, I have a new friend request I accept it. Someone is writing me a message.

Zeke -Tyler just called Nix, something bad happened, I thought she was with you all okay?

Me -no clue dropped her off a couple hours ago.

Zeke - can you check in on her? I'm worried.

Me - cant you?

Zeke -I warned you. Are you on her side or not?

Me- I don't know, your laying it on a little thick don't you think?

Zeke- if you feel that way then I guess Ill take king spot.

Me- have at it, not my scene anyway.

Zeke- WTF is wrong with you? Did she dump you?

Me- No, just having a tough time with things that's all.

Zeke - You are an idiot. I warned you.

I toss my phone to the side really annoyed now. I'm sick of being called an Idiot today. I cant talk to anyone about what happened except one person, and I'm too stubborn to make my way over there. I wrestle with my pillow trying to find sleep. Finally, I give up and grab what I have really wanted the entire time, my jacket that smells like her. I know I'm screwed up but even though she's what has me messed up her scent is still what comforts me. I fall asleep quickly my face cradled by her smell. I dream of a dragon, big blue and angry. He stares at me judging me with a snarl, exposing sharpened teeth and bad breath. "Back off snake, just get out of my dream and leave me alone." I punch him in the nose just wanting to dream of anything.

The dragon huffs and opens his large mouth, "I told you Zayes Strong heart. This is good thing. He is good vessel, be nice." I shake my head, less happy now that Red arrived.

"Just let me sleep! I don't want to hear any more of this get out of my head!" I yell.

"Strong heart but stupid. The dragon spits. "Listen boy, I have no time for you.

"No, I don't have time for you." I snap forcing my self-awake. Coffee... I need coffee, coffee fixes everything. I throw my blanket off and make my way to the kitchen.

"Oh no, Ray. He is doing well; he has made friends and has been nothing but a polite respectful boy. Nana says on the phone. "I think that is a wonderful idea!" She smiles. "Will you be coming as well?" I walk past her to grab a cup of coffee still brewing. The first cup is always my favorite. "Oh, he is awake you want to talk to him?" I shake my head no, furiously. She ignores me. "Oh, he would love to talk to you Im sure."

I shake my head no. "Hard pass!" I whisper yell.

"You will get on this phone right now Evan or so help me!" She whispers yells back. I sigh knowing I cant win. I take the phone.

"Hey dad." I fake cheerfulness.

"How are you? How is Nana?" He asks.

"Nana is an absolute delight, so understanding and kind. She just radiates warmth and maternal love." I say trying to hide the sarcasm. Nana laughs pouring a cup of coffee for herself.

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