Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Nix summed up the tournament better as we walked back to the mats, I guess I zoned it out when the announcer explained everything. Basically, everyone fights the top person from each ranking until they lose. You take the rank of whomever you beat. The guy that kicked me had qualified the previous school year to the royals fight, I took his spot. He has a chance to battle for another class but not fist to fist. My next opponent is Tyler. Once in the Royals I must take them all one on one. I only had to qualify for a royal fight once to fight them for all three classes. I guess Royals make the rules and a royal female can choose to participate fist to fist with the males. I guess they normally just sit on the sidelines, no one likes seeing a guy hit a girl. Once we had retuned there were more people entering the royals arena while the rest slowly dwindled down.

"Come one come all to behold the mysterious beauty as she takes a direct challenge to her throne! The one the only, PHOENIX!!!" The announcer called. I looked at Nix confused Royals fights were last.

"Someone challenged me. Odd, I've never been challenged before." She shrugged heading to the mat. I saw her opponent before she did. Chris. I followed at her heels and stood close to the mat hoping to hear what was going on. "He cant be here; He isn't part of the schools. He's is in collage." She says to the announcer. He whispers in her ear and she shakes her head, she glances as me but says, "Fine. Pick your poison." She spits with venom. Job whimpers, at my side where she left him, as if begging me to stop it.

He smiles broadly, "Freestyle." She nods. Still holding my gaze. The bell dings signaling the beginning of the match. He runs at her, but her eyes still locked on mine. Right when his fist almost connects with her check, she ducks sending him off balance. With mind blowing speed she pulls his gut into her knee, then his head to her knee. She lets him up and he charges her again, angry this time. He went for a bear hug style hold, but she intercepted with a firm quick punch to his throat. Then jumped on him using her momentum and weight to swing on his back. She hit him with three quick jabs in strange locations. He was out cold before he hit the mat. The entire crowd was quiet. She walked calmly to the rest of the royals. There seemed to be hot dispute.

"Hey. Evan, right?" I turn my head up to see one of the guys Id knocked out earlier. "Got a minute? Id like some pointers on our match." I nod extending my hand out. He smiled before shaking it. "Mathew, Ive never had anyone take me out so fast before was curious to where I went wrong?" He has a slight accent, Australian I deicide. Job whines.

"Basically, the crucial flaw was you didn't fully commit to your swing leaving your chin open. Also, you have a glass jaw you should really work on blocking better," he nods. "Any suggestions for me before my match with the Royals?" He nods.

"You rely too much on being powerhouse, leaving your foot work worse than a drunk man in ballet slippers, but that hook of yours makes up for it." He laughs rubbing the back of his neck. "Also, you could really use your reach more. That hook could have ended me before I was close enough to land a blow." I nod, I knew about my footwork, but I have never tried to use my full reach before. Not sure why not, just always like to know they were close enough, I guess. I look up searching for Nix and am disappointed when I don't see her.

"Your girl sure is a wild one." Mathew states. I smile. "Actually, I was curious if you could talk her into speaking to my sister. She is a freshman this year and is having some problems with a boy in her class. I have tried to help her but when I graduate this year, I would like to know she can defend herself. Id ask her myself, but she scares me mate," he chuckles.

"I'll bring it up to her." I promise. "I wouldn't be scared of her, she's pretty easy going." I pause looking at Chris on the mat, "unless you challenger her." He laughs. Both our eyes watch as two guys drag Chris off the mat.

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