Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

I dream of Zayes. He talks to me explaining our merge. He will slowly move into my mind giving us a chance to work together. He will be training my brain to accept him, so I don't die when he fully moves in. Yeah, sounds great I know. I guess I will be having some massive headaches to accompany the bitter snake that will be waging war in my subconscious. He is trying to be nice; Red, I guess, gave him hell. Supposedly, when the merge fully happens the previous vessel will die. Once bonded with the host the body cant survive without it. So basically, someday I will be traded up for a newer model. Great, I'm a trophy wife to a dragon. Always what I wanted to be when I grew up. Dad will be so proud. He enters my mind to get acquainted with each other while I dream. He says the process can take over a year if my mind isn't ready. To which he says its not. Much to John's dismay he must live a while longer. We argue a lot. He is stubborn, set in his ways, and the most judgmental ass-hat I have ever had the divine opportunity to meet. He insists I show him the respect a great dragon deserves while I say he's, well an ass-hat. I tell him Red is too good for him, which pisses him off enough to shoot ice at me. I make fun of him for that as well telling him real dragons spit fire. Basically, we hate each other but try so we can keep what we love most safe. He gives me a mental analysis telling me I'm plagued with guilt and stupidity. He says I need to learn patience as well as many other things to be able to contain him. He says my mind is weak. He also tells me I will be experiencing a growth spurt soon. I guess having a dragon probing your mind spurts another round of puberty. Great, because that was so much fun the first time. The only plus side so far is that I will be able to protect her.

"Someone is watching," Zayes growls. He overtakes my body grabbing the intruder by the neck and lifting him off the ground before I'm awake. I open my eyes immediately setting down my startled older brother.

"Good morning," I say rather chipper trying not to think about how I just manhandled my big brother. He gasps recovering from Zayes assault.

"What the heck Evan?"

"What? I was having a good dream." I laugh trying to play it off. "How was Chicago?"

"I was planning on talking over coffee, but if youre going to try to kill me maybe I better wait."

"Nah Im awake now." I walk out my door towards the kitchen.

"Nana says youre having girl trouble. Is it an accurate assumption its Nix?" He asks behind from behind me.

"Yeah. Are you finally able to tell me about you and Sara or do I need to start guessing?" I ask getting my required first cup of coffee.

"I hate when you do that, makes the rest of the coffee weak," he states with a smile.

"What do you care yours is all milk and sugar anyway." I stick my tongue out at him mockingly.

"Hazelnut actually. Brought some creamer back with me. Thought you might be missing it." He gestures to the big bottle on the table.

"I love you, bubby," I say pretending like I'm going to kiss him on the cheek. He swats at me. "Don't reject my love!"

"Oh, knock it off. Nana will be up soon, and I want to know how she was while I was gone," he states while getting his coffee.

"Well, she ran over two cats, totaled a mailbox, found out she is smoking weed, and picked up a man in taco bell." He shakes his head.

"Last time I took her to town she started a food fight in ponderosa. She is banned for life." We both laugh. "The weed is new; she was having some pain awhile back and her doctor suggested off the record that marijuana might help. I didnt know she took his advice."

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