Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

She nibbles my neck making me groan. I flip her on top of me in time to see the front door breaking in half by a well-dressed foot. Nix jumps off me flipping reading to attack. I jump up yanking Nix behind me. A man walks in, he is wearing a suit. The man in a suit. Zayes tries to overpower me. I make a decision based off an unexplainable feeling in my gut. I push him out of my mind. If Red was right, he wont hurt me, but he will kill Zayes if we arent merged. Which we are not. I have a feeling if he dies in me, he dies. I cant let her only chance die.

"Kind of busy, can I catch up with you another time?" I ask.

"No, now is good." He answers as Nix leaps over me going after him. I try to catch her, but I miss. He injects her with a syringe he pulled from his coat. He did it so fast I couldn't see him move. I want to kill him, but I know I cant. "Now, the famous dragon I presume?" He asks eyeing me with a strange smile. "Somehow I was expecting more." He shakes his head.

"Nope, no dragon here. Just her boyfriend." I jump for the duffle bags grabbing a gun. He takes it before I fully grab it and hits me in the face with it. "That was rude." I state as he hits me again. Nix yells. I hit the ground knowing Im powerless but decide to continue being obnoxious. It a talent, really. "You hit like a girl." I spit blood on his shoe while standing up. Two more men walk in. Fantastic. "You guys want coffee?" I ask. "Im actually fresh out, let me and Nix go grab some?" He punches me again, harder this time. I see stars but refuse to go down without getting one hit on him. I spit a tooth out. "You have really soft hands; your boyfriends must have expensive taste in lotion" I don't see his fist, but I know where it will come. I dodge on instinct and land the hardest blow I have ever landed on some ones jaw in my life. I only managed to make his head jerk. I'll take it. "And that's how you throw a hit. Unless you want me to throw another let us go." I Smile. He swings again, I dodge but not fast enough. Darkness closes over my eyes. I hear Nix scream and through dark shadows I see her lunge weakly.

Im not sure how long I was unconscious but by the worried look in Nixs eyes Id say its been awhile. I smile at her only to find my face has been taped shut. I feel Zayes trying to enter my mind and push him back out. Nix opens her mouth to speak only to have a man slap tape over it. I lunge at him finding out that I am in quite a dilemma. I take in my surroundings not recognizing where we are. I'm forced on my knees with chains holding my hands down. I cant get up or even move hardly at all. I look at nix realizing she is in an exact mirror position as me except by the bloodied wrists, which tells me she has been trying hard at an escape. She is breathing hard looking in my eyes. I wink at her trying to tell her its okay that we will figure it out. I hear the tap of shoes behind me and resist the urge to look behind at who could only be the man in a suit. He is dragging something and by the calm look in Nix's eyes its not a torture device. That gives me some hope. He comes into my peripheral vision and I can tell the source of the sound was nothing more than a chair. He sits in it making himself comfortable.

"Everyone comfortable?" He asks. I look at him and nod eagerly. I can see Nix flip him off from her restraints. He smiles at her. Zayes you better kill him someday. "Okay, So Im sure by now you guys are wondering what exactly is going on."

"IS IT YOUR BIRTHDAY?!" I yell from under the tape. Its not at all what it sounded like, but it irritated him none the less. Mission accomplished. He eyes me with a look full of contempt. I wink and make random sounds trying to get him to kill me faster. I know its coming but the longer he procrastinates the harder it is to keep Zayes out of my mind.

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