Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

She returned from the house with books covered in worn bindings. They seem ancient and have careful etchings that make me believe they are even older than that. She handed them to me and told me to start studying. When a woman that has an arsenal in her kitchen tells you to do something, you do it with no questions. So here I am sitting in the back of an army van, that have the front two bench seats ripped out, reading these books. Job is asleep at my feet and the dim flashlights beam bounces on every bump. The suspension on this thing blows. The first chapter was an oath of sorts explaining these are the true accounts and findings based off facts of the Phoenix. The mans name Is Herald Wake. The second chapter however is a page turner. Its all about the weaknesses of Azriel. Its written like a warning so the people trying to protect her knew what to protect her from.

The first warning is of water. With her being a beast of fire and air, she cannot swim. Its her natural opposite. The next is cold, it says the Phoenix has an insanely high metabolism that produces heat in the human body. When that immune system slows her heat escapes and is hard to gain back. I think to myself about how hard she is to wake, and how cold she was when I did. It makes sense that her metabolism would be weakened by sleep. It has a warning of her compassion, that Azriel has a difficulty not helping people and it can potentially drain her, leaving her weak for a time. Speaks of how when the flesh containing the phoenix, when pushed to far, can become the opposite of compassion. Sounds as though if Nix became consumed by anger she can actually override Azriel syphoning the abilities from her to bend them to her own will. It is rare, but it is something that should be prevented at all costs. It says felines hate the Phoenix and will live on edge around her. Most other animals find her appealing and will frequently follow the phoenix to protect her. I suppose that explains the dogs. It talks about animals being blessed, basically my quick sum up is the phoenix can heal an animal like she can people, but at random times leaves a lasting imprint. It slightly humanizes them putting a human like intelligence inside them, well more than that, it leaves a piece of her inside them. Almost like the DNA that was healed changes to match hers. Its a big reason why the phoenix shouldnt heal people past a certain point, the possibility of leaving herself inside is increased by how bad the injury. I think back to the time I pulled Nix from the lake as well as the humanistic behavior the dog frequently displayed in many situations. It talks about the amber eyes being proof of the blessing. The dog whimpers softly, I pat him skimming the harsh pen strokes. The road gets bumpier and I place my hand on the seat for extra support.

The bench seat dips, and I look up to meet Lindas soft brown eyes. "So, we need to talk." She says kindly. "Whats up with you and your dragon why haven't you merged? You are plenty old enough so what gives?"

"Um..." I pause thinking back to everything Zayes had said. "I'm not really sure, he comes and goes. He says Im stupid, but I doubt thats the reason." I shift uncomfortably.

"That's funny," she smiles. "Intelligence has little to do with anything but Zayes is a grumpy old dragon so that sounds like him. Can you summon him?"

"I can try." She nods watching me eagerly. Its uncomfortable with her gawking at me like a tiger in a zoo, but I close my eyes trying to reach my mind to him anyway. I can feel his anger before I can feel him. It radiates like a pulsating fire, hot to the touch. He enters my mind snarling. He demands control which I relinquish settling comfortably in the subconscious. He snaps my eyes open looking at Linda with little interest.

"Zayes?" She looks deeper in his eyes seeing the serpent like crescent. "Why haven't you merged?" She asks dropping her gaze showing Zayes respect.

"Vessel is stupid, his mind is broken. He holds guilt and anger; his mind is stubborn and will not submit to my form. Nothing can fix it but him, he lacks patience." You know I can hear you right? I ask knowing he doesnt care even before he ignores me.

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