Chapter 14

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Flashes met both of you as you stepped out of the chauffeur-driven vehicle. Margaret left first as you followed swiftly behind, grabbing the two large cases that sat in the trunk of the car and  passing both of them to two gentlemen that headed towards the plane.

Tony had already arrived before you both, in a blue suit standing at the bottom of the steps, waving at the press.  From an outsiders perspective, Margaret & Anthony Armstrong-Jones looked like the perfect couple - the couple of the century. He greeted her with open arms as they put on a great performance to the media. The phrase "you don't know what goes on behind closed doors" had never become more apparent.

Heading into the cabin area of the plane, the decor was immaculate. White satin sofas with trendy little coffee tables. On top of each table, was a white porcelain bowl filled with exotic fruits - some of which you'd never heard before. Separating the two compartments of the plane was a small wall which on the older side, fitted two large white recliners with a large screen directly across.

Below this screen was a cabinet filled with all different snacks and candy Y/N could possibly think of. "Impressive isn't it darling" Margot smiled. As soon as the doors to the plane closed, Margot and Tony were complete opposites - like two strangers that had no loyalties or respect for one another. You obviously knew that the relationship between the two was completely unretractable however, the severity of the situation was unclear.

Heading through the corridor, you sat down on one of the recliners. Margot followed and so did Tony. "What the hell do you think your doing?" She glared at Tony. "More like what are you doing Margaret - do you really think it's acceptable to be wearing THAT" He mocked.

She laughed, pouring herself a glass of the finest, most mature bourbon she  could find and tilted her head to the side. "Go with one of your whores, Tony but remember where you came from and who your married to and how quickly certain privileges can be revoked if it were up to me, you and your little play Thing.. I'd make it so you wouldn't be able to set foot in London without feeling on edge" She whispered into his ear which made his face drop. "Is that a threat, darling" He said, coldly. "Oh take it how you will but I'm the daughter of a King, sister of a Queen and you my darling would be NOTHING without me".

She turned back to you and headed towards the cabin. "A natural number one whose tragedy it is to have been born number two" he laughed.
"Get used to it" She yawned and pulled down a small curtain that blocked the other compartment as she headed over to the other recliner next to you.

"Sorry about that, my love" she giggled. "I didn't know it was that bad Margot I'm so sorry" you said, grabbing her face. "Oh that- that wasn't even HALF as bad as it normally is" she said, sipping her drink. "Don't worry - I've requested separate apartments for me and Tony the excuse of "there's too little space to share" has never worked better. "You'll be staying with me" she smirked. "It works out better that way"

The journey from England to the United States went fairly quickly for it was nice to spend some quality time with Margot. "This is a marvellous creation Y/N" she smirked looking down to the recliner you were say in.

"Because with one touch"

She pressed a small button which bound your arms and legs to the chair

"It can work wonders"

"Margot!" you laughed, nervously as a deep crimson shade painted your cheeks. "There's too many people" you managed to stammer before she grabbed on to your throat. "Then my sweet, I guess you'll have to be extra quiet" she said, biting hard on to your bottom lip. You were completely on edge - a new thrill was running through you possibly due to the fact that anyone could catch you at any given moment. You knew that if Margaret fully had her way with you, it would be impossible to stay completely silent.

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