Chapter 1

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July 18th 1962

Originally, the position that you had applied for and been successful in getting had only been temporary - just three months. It was only something to get by on until you found something more permanent.. something more fulfilling. Looking back, you realised that this was back in 1959. It was now 1962.

The position you initially applied for was only to be apart of the kitchen staff which with your great resume and experience in Hong Kong waiting on huge yachts.. you pretty much had the job in the bag. Overtime, you began serving a young lady who you soon came to realise was Princess Margaret. For some strange reason, you were drawn to her. Her eyes. Her smile. Her charm. You were completely mesmerised by this lady who lived in the shadow of her older sister. You grew fond of her and began to feel more at ease but not fully because with Margaret, you could never fully let your guard down.. it was like being with a shark in the pool.. not knowing how she was going to react or what she was going to say next. She always kept you on your toes.

November 1962

It was a cold winter morning in November. You rose and shivered as you left the warm comfort of your bed. You combed through your dark, thick locks of hair that flowed down your back and tied it up ready for work. It was 5AM. You hated the early shifts but you knew it was what you had to do in order to keep your small, quaint apartment in Central London. As you were about to leave, you noticed a small letter wrapped neatly and sealed with a red stamp that read 'BUCKINGHAM PALACE'. It was addressed directly to you. You opened it and were so intrigued as you were only staff and not that important for a letter from BP to be addressed directly to you.
It read:

'Dear Y/N

I am delighted at how well you have taken to life at Buckingham Palace and also, how well you have taken care of me and my family

However, I do realise that this position was only temporary and I would like you to come see me today on behalf of my sister to discuss your future here at the Palace.

Kind Regards,

Princess Margaret - Countess of Snowdon

You were flabbergasted. A letter from Princess Margaret herself. Asking to meet YOU. You could hardly contain your excitement as you rushed out of your little flat - almost forgetting to lockup as you did. You began walking looking around London and crossing into Hyde Park seeing all the frost that had formed on the grass as you walked by. You couldn't stop thinking about her. What did she want with a 'commoner' like you?

It was lunchtime when you eventually got finished and you decided that now would be the time you first officially met the Princess with her actually acknowledging you were there. You could barely contain your excitement showing each guard the letter as proof you were supposed to be there.

You finally reached her chambers. 'Princess Margaret isn't awake yet, Ma'am' murmured a scrawny girl of around 16/17. You explained to her that Margaret had requested to see me and she told me to go ahead. You braced myself and knocked on the door. "Yes" groaned Margaret, obviously hungover. "Its me, Y/N you asked to see me?" You said quietly from behind the door. "Ah darling, come on in" she spoke so smoothly. I took a deep breath and twisted the doorknob and stepped in to the room.

*Chapter 2 coming Saturday 21st Nov 2020*

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