Chapter 10

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After a surreal experience the night before, you woke up. Margot, apart from the fact she was sprawled out across the bed and her hand was touching your face, was quite a peaceful sleeper.

You knew that this - what ever you and Margaret had whether it be love or just pleasure couldn't continue. That she couldn't keep appearing in your bed. That you couldn't keep on telling the maid that "she didn't want to be seen".
Getting out of your comfort place, you wandered over to the bathroom. The water was still there from the night before - obviously cold and it was a busy Monday morning in London.

You wandered over to the sink and grabbed the wooden toothbrush and placed a small amount of paste on to the bristles then began brushing. You looked into the mirror above  - mascara had ran down your right cheek aswell as dark pink lipstick smeared over your chin and jaw. Once you'd finished, you grabbed the small flannel off the side and dunked it into the warm water and started gently removing all the excess makeup from the night prior.

Eventually you decided that what you needed to do to get Margaret out of your head completely and to do that was to go back to normal. Grabbing a small but firm comb off the side of the sink, you pulled it through your locks carefully untangling any knot. Skincare was next. Since working as Margaret's main lady, you'd completely neglected your everyday routine - skincare falling directly under that. Opening the bathroom cabinet, amongst the bubble baths and shampoos were a selection of different skincare products that before Buckingham Palace, you used daily.

Carefully, you selected a round white tube filled with a clear liquid as well as various creams and ointments and applied them delicately to your skin ensuring that excess product was massaged into the depths of your face. "Much better" you thought, smiling at your reflection in the small mirror hanging over the back of the cabinet.

Heading out of the bathroom and into the bedroom near the wardrobe, you selected a fairly conservative outfit - nothing too fancy and started to get dressed right then and there. As soon as you undressed, you instantly felt a pair of brown, charming eyes staring which sent chills and tingles up your body and created tension that ran from your arms all the way to your fingertips and your legs all the way down to your toes. You froze. "Good morning darling" the voice giggled. "Morning" you chirped back, continuing to undress and get changed.

"Oh my girl I think I deserve a better greeting than that" she smirked, biting her lower lip. "Margot - we can't.. I have work and you have.. well your royal duties to attend to" I sighed. She frowned and looked away as though you'd just murdered an entire village. It was clear that Margot wasn't used to hearing the word No.

"Y/N, do I have to remind you again that you work for me. I'm your boss so I decide when you work not you." She said, with quite a stern expression.

"Margot, I understand but we honestly can't keep doing this. Do you think Claudia is going to buy another 'oh she doesn't want to be seen right now' excuse. It won't be five seconds before she goes running to your sister and I'll be out of a job" I laughed, nervously as I wasn't at all sure how she'd react.

She walked over to me smiling. I knew exactly what she was doing and what she was going to do but I was too mesmerised to tell her no. To tell her to stop.
In her white dressing, she came over till we were centimetres apart and began to untie the little thin piece of fabric that was covering her beautiful body. She opened the gown to reveal her hourglass and that she had nothing on beneath. She quickly took my chin into her grasp.

"You sure you don't want this Y/N" she said, in a mocking tone.

"Margot' I said, turning my head so I wasn't facing her. I felt the same tingles.. the same butterflies as the first time I had laid eyes on her but I knew this couldn't happen anymore. We just wouldn't work out. She rolled her eyes and tottered towards the door and exited the bedroom, muttering to herself.

My heart longed for her. My body ached for her touch. If only things were different. Trying to shake your emotions, they weighed you down immensely. She was all I wanted and I couldn't have her.

*if anyone can remember/knows what the official name for the piece of fabric/string you tie round your waist on a dressing gown please let me know 🤣

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