Chapter 25

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The feelings of anxiety and nervousness that you experienced the first time meeting Princess Margaret suddenly came rushing back. Although, this time they were more intense. You were in this very moment meeting Queen Elizabeth herself. Your monarch.

She was a woman of around 5 foot 7 inches with a kind but quite stern face. Her eyes held a similar colour to the Princess' however they hid a darker hint of blue unlike Margots. Her Majesty was very conservative and well reserved unlike her sister which was clear from her posture and how she carried herself. "You must be Y/N" she said, with a cold expression. "Do come in" She called, seeing that her previous words startled you. You proceeded to walk over at her request whilst taking in the room around you.

It was definitely the most elegant and most glamourous room you'd been in yet. Chandeliers of great expense hung down from the ceilings with intricate patterns engraved on the roof. There was approximately five foot separating you both with a small table in between. On the table, there was a vase with a single flower surrounded by smaller ornaments which fitted quite nicely.

The Queen sat in a small armchair which was comfortable but still showed the expressiveness of who you were addressing. She held quite a cool tone as you walked over but still not taking her eyes off you. You sat directly opposite feeling sick to your stomach. "There are a few matters that I would like to address" She said, looking directly at you. "Firstly, the one that involves Princess Margaret". You gulped. This was it. The moment you'd been dreading since first laying eyes on your Margot.

"I've heard a lot about this whole ordeal from my advisors however, before making any assumptions, I want to ensure the story I have is correct" she said, trying to sound understanding. "So from what I've gathered over the past few days, it has come to my attention that you have become more than just a 'lady in waiting' to my sister, The Princess Margaret". You nodded. "I can assure you I hold no judgement however due to this matter involving my sister and impacting our family, this is completely unacceptable" Your heart sunk. "Your Majesty, with all due respect I'm completely in love with Princess Margaret. She's the light of my life and I genuinly couldn't imagine my life without her in it" you said, choking on your words as you felt your eyes cloud over with tears.

"I see" she said, without changing her tone. "Do you not value the Princess' marriage to Anthony Armstrong-Jones? Do you not think how this could impact Lady Sarah and David? Are you really prepared to ruin the Princess' family for some fantasy you've created in your head'. Her tone quickly became careless. Like nothing else mattered. Putting duty above emotions which was what Queen Elizabeth did best.

"She was so unhappy" you stuttered. "Pardon?"she said, taken aback at what you'd just said. "She was so so sad a-and you just let it happen" you said, choking on your words as tears of anger mixed with sadness rolled down your cheeks. "My Margot.. when she'd married him was the shell of the person she used to be, she was beyond broken". The Queen looked at you differently for she could see how much Princess Margaret truly meant. She spoke to you in a different tone this time, more comforting and reassuring. "Y/N, whilst I'm still trying to come to terms with this whole ordeal, you do understand that whatever you had with The Princess Margaret has got to stop, for her sake and for yours" She said, as your tears fell down to your chin and dripped onto your top. She responded by handing you a tissue from the box on her left hand side.

You couldn't imagine life without her. Margaret was your everything. This just wasn't right. It wasn't fair. You thought of Tony and how he spoke to Margaret. How he told her she was 'pathetic' or 'useless'. How he'd had multiple affairs throughout the marriage whilst Margot was raising the children. He was going to win. Again. Margaret was going to be unhappy. Again. Thoughts were racing through your mind at a billion miles an hour each second, getting you angrier and angrier. Suddenly, your emotions took over. You lost control.

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