do you like him?

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"good day sister Shiela .. how are you?" the young lady ask the nun who manages the orphanage

"shai , good to see you .. I'm fine "the middle aged lady answered her with a smile on her face . "how's school ?"

"oh .. school's great as usual .. i don't have any worries sister " she nods in agreement . "well , you're top in your class so i believe you don't have a problem with academics "

ni-ki entered the office with a child on his back and another child holding his hand .

"who's this young man ?" sister shiela was so curious since it's the first time that she saw ni-ki

shaira was about to answer when Ni-ki answered her first "good morning sister . I'm Ni-ki .. nice to meet you " he bowed and gave her a warm smile

"oh such a nice boy .. it's my pleasure to meet you too Ni-ki , I'm sister Shiela " she looked at the boy who's now struggling while carrying the child at his back because the other little kid was dragging him outside the office .

"mimi .. stop dragging your Ni-ki oppa ,wait for him to follow you " the lady told the little girl who's now nodding at her and stopped pulling Ni-ki . " ni-ki you can go now , we'll just continue our conversation later .. i guess mimi was excited to find a new friend "

ni-ki do as what he's told and went at the playground with mimi and the little boy on his back . it's the first time ni-ki had this experience playing with the kids because there's no kids in their neighborhood .

he was a bit tired piggybacking jude who's now still hyper and keep moving at his back .

"hey jude .. can you please come down from me ? you're a bit heavy now and I'm also tired"he pleaded

"oh okay hyungie .. I'm sowy" the little boy felt sorry and get down from him .

"it's okay baby .. maybe we could just play with mimi? "he said as he gestured the girl who's now busy in her doll house .

"but she's playing doll. i don't like dolls" he pouted "hmmm okay then what do you want to do? "

"ball! play ball!" the kid enthusiastically screamed

"alright let's play ball .. but we should ask the others if they also want to play with us so it'll be more fun" he responded to the kid .. the kid ran around to find his playmates to ask them to join in their game 

when the others came , Ni-ki started the game .. they played dodge ball .

shaira just watched them together with sister shiela in the shaded bench near the play ground .

it was a fine day to play outside but shaira was not in the mood to join instead, she decided to just talk with sister shiela .

"shai , it's good to see that you brought a friend here " the older lady started "ahh he wants to come here sister so I let him "

"the kids are enjoying his company .. i guess they like him" she then glanced at shaira who's now staring at Ni-ki with sparkling eyes "do you like him also?"

shaira suddenly looked at the lady and clearly was shocked by the question that was thrown at her . "I'm sorry sister but what did you say?" she asked even though she clearly heard what sister sheila had said earlier

"i asked you if you like Ni-ki"sister shiela was so straight to the point and asked her directly

"oh about that .. umm i don't really know but i guess i like him?"

"why are you questioning .. you're not sure?"the old lady was now curious about her feelings "mmm yeah? I'm still not sure "

"then be sure of what you feel ..maybe someday you'll be late for love" sister sheila said as if she experience being inlove

"sister sheila.. do you experienced being in love ?" shaira asked her curiously " a long time ago , yes"

shaira covered her mouth shocked at what she heard from the lady " but i was too late to realize that i love him .. "

"oh what happened then?" she's now fully interested at the middle aged lady's love story

"he married my friend because she's pregnant and it's his child .. that time , he's in love with me but he can't do anything but to marry my friend "

"aww that's sad but why did he do that if he loves you ?" she sympathetically looked at the older lady " he was drunk  and my friend was inlove with him also so she planned it for him to marry her "

"what ?! oh c'mon it was like a tv drama "

sister sheila ignored her statement and just continued sharing her story " i was so young that time and i don't know how to express my feelings right . i thought what i felt for him was only friendship but later on i realized i like him but that incident happened and i failed to let him know about my feelings"

"even though he expressed his love for me , i was still so dense to realize it . In the end , i was left all alone because we parted ways because he already had the responsibility "

"i regretted of course because i was too late but now I'm happy serving God and helping this kids" sister sheila was just staring blankly at the ground while a smile was painted on her face  .

"that was painful yet a happy ending sister " she truthfully stated .

"yes but for you , i advice you to be true to your feelings because you may not know if it's too late for you to finally realize if someone was really special to you"

"i mean Ni-ki was quite special to me  and i think i like him but I'm not yet sure about it .. if things may come on their way right , maybe  the feelings might get stronger as the time passes by" she explained and the other just hummed in agreement

"it's up to you shai ..  what you'll become or what will be your life in the future, is the result of the actions and choices that you've chosen today " she advice the young lady .

"I'll keep that in mind sister but what if he don't like me ?" she questioned

"you'll know it if he likes you too shai"

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