He found love

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Park Jongseong or known as Jay had been single for all his lifetime . He haven't even experienced having a crush or have a simple admiration for someone that he crossed paths . Some of his friends and relatives same generation as he is had been into relationships multiple times and he was just the only one who never gone into something like that or even close to .

It's been long that he decided to just enjoy watching his friends fall inlove and feel the happiness that it would bring to them . If one of them got broken hearted , he will come to be their support system . As if he was born to support other people .

Never in his life that he imagined falling inlove to someone . He never imagined to be affectionate romantically to anyone in opposite gender or the same . No , he's not picky or something .. He just don't feel like it  . He thinks , it's not really needed when he has his friends showering him love and also his family .. With them , he was full of love . Knowing Jay , he's giving his fondness to the people around him .. of course to those who deserves .

He knows who to cherish and when he start to give you his attention , you'll automatically be a part of his life for good .

Now , all his beliefs had changed when he met Chu Hae Jin . She was the one who opened his eyes to something beautiful that he himself can't even explain . It felt surreal.

Ever since the both of them met , he felt happiness that he never felt before .. his heart flutters whenever he sees the girl and he wouldn't deny that everything that he felt , he love it .

For him , she had the cutest smile that melts his heart . Her eyes was the most beautiful that he ever seen in his whole life . Of course he's not exaggerating , because it's the first time he focused on someone like this . It is not the same how he put attention to his friends .. it is just different . To him , Hae Jin was so pretty .. even how she talks , walks and move was so pretty for him . Her voice was so sweet that made him fall deeper for her .

He couldn't think of anything best to explain how he felt for the girl . She was just perfect for him ..

Y'all , your boii is head over heels for Chu Hae Jin .


a flashback for the sake of Jay's love story
because he deserves the world and he deserves to be loved

Jay was wandering around the area where he usually drives whenever he was stressed or there's something in his mind . Lately , he was so stressed about Ni-ki  . The younger was so broken hearted and was overworking himself just to forget everything that he had been through . And it concerns the older a lot . As his friend and older brother , he was worried that the younger might get sick if he overworks himself on night shifts . Because since Shaira left , he was the only one who do the work at night . And this time , he was thinking to hire another part timer to help Ni-ki .

He was casually looking at the stores he's passing by when he saw a girl who's been followed by two mens in a dark alley . At first look , you would think that those men were just walking the same direction with the girl when suddenly one of them grabbed the girl's hands . He panicked because now , he could see that the girl was so frightened so he parked his car to see what's really happening.

He jolted when he heard the shout from the girl asking for help . He ran fast as he could to help the girl .

Jay's POV

I arrived at the place where I saw the girl earlier then saw a man was holding her hands forcibly and the other man who's trying to touch her face . I immediately grabbed his hands who's about to touch her .

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