masked smile

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everytime Jake would see ni-ki or whenever he's at Jay's cafe , he just pretends as if nothing had happened .. he's so great in acting as if he's really a good friend to Ni-ki .. he pretends to be a pure and righteous human being when the truth is he had done something that would ruin his relationship with Ni-ki and also to shaira

it is true that every person had their bad and good side .. but Jake's bad side had turn into dark .. he's risking everything just to keep shaira for his own .. he never think of the possibilities that would happen if his plan would backfire . he might loose both Ni-ki and shaira and much worst , he'll loose his other friend's trust. this is what his selfish love had done to him .. it made him the worst version of himself , a monster that he never thought that he would be .. he's not aware of it by now because he was blinded by his love but someday he'll realize that he's not what he used to be . that once a pure and innocent boy whom everyone dearly loved .

jake was now at the cafe to observe Hae Jin if she was doing her part .. of course he'll make sure that his money wouldn't go to waste

" hmmm .. she can't even approach Ni-ki .. this is bad " he whispered to himself

he watched Hae Jin as she do her duties in the cafe .. he raises his hand when Hae Jin noticed him

" hey Hae Jin~ah .. what's up?!" his lips formed a slight smirk

" oh good day mr. shim .. " she responded nervously but still polite .. she doesn't know why she is so nervous whenever jake's presence is near her .. she feels like jake had this unexplainable aura around him that she couldn't see

"there's just few costumers right now .. would you mind if you sit here with me ?" jake offered and flashed a bright smile .. his masked smile

" umm, but sir it's still working hours .. I can't talk to you for long " she refused .. she could see the sudden change in jake's expression when she said those words ..

" sit here now when I'm still nice to you " he ordered but still with his fake smile so no one would ever suspect that there's something going on between them

" umm , okay sir " as soon as she sits in front of jake, jay suddenly comes out of the staff's room together with Ni-ki ..

Jay and Ni-ki noticed him and greeted him as usual

"oh dude .. you came today are you not busy ?" jay asked his friend .. Ni-ki nods to jake and make an uninterested look at Hae Jin .. he went to his post after to wait for the costumers

"yeah kind of .. I don't have hectic schedules this days and i want to just relax here .." jay just nodded at his friend's statement and looked at Hae Jin as soon as he noticed her

" and oh by the way .. can Hae Jin take a break for a while ? i could see that she was tired working " jake said in his most calming voice .. jay just give him a smirk

" be careful with him Hae Jin~ah .. he's just cute as a dog but he can bite too " jay whispered at Hae Jin's ears but jake heard every single word that he said because it was too loud for a whisper ..

" what the hell jay .. I can still here you dumbass .. i was just being nice to her since she works for you " he explained .. " and besides , i want to be her friend .. right Hae Jin~ah?!"

jake looked at her as if he was telling her to agree with him so she speaks

" a-ahh yes sir .. he just wanted to be my friend " she stuttered .. it is so hard being like this .. it feels like he was holding her in her neck that she can't refuse in whatever he says

"why are you stuttering Hae Jin~shi ? are you nervous ? you're sweating " jay asked worriedly at the young girl

"yeah are you alright ? wait let me wipe those sweats for you" jake moved to get some tissues to wipe Hae Jin's forehead but the girl was a bit hesitant and keep on avoiding him

" aww are you shy ? c'mon it's just me ..or us rather " jake teased her as if they were so close .. and it makes the girl wants to vomit internally

"I bet she's really shy jake haha .. oh my , my Hae Jin is shy !" jay teased her more .. it was so awkward for her since she has a thing for Jay , her boss but it's not what matters now .. it is jake ..he was making everything so complicated for her

the bell rang signaling a new costumer had entered and Hae Jin had to greet them and cater their orders

she looked at Ni-ki and he was looking at her also and pointing at the costumer by his mouth.. she was about to stand when jay holds her hands to stop her ..

" where are you going young miss ? sit here with jake .. I will do the job for you " she blushed by the sudden contact with jay . and it didn't go unnoticed by jake .. he has now another thing to blackmail this girl

" ahh yes sir .. thank you " she said shyly and stayed at her previous position

"aww so cute .. don't worry I'll let you rest for now .. " jay sweetly said and winked at her after

now she was a blushing mess and it made jake to smirk evilly

jay rushed to help Ni-ki at the counter and it leaves her alone with jake on the table now .. the atmosphere that they were in was a bit heavier than earlier .. she doesn't know what to do first

" it looks like you're having a crush on Jay hmm?!" he said with a tone .. slightly teasing the girl in front of him

" w-what ?! of course not " she denied

"don't deny it Hae Jin .. you're so obvious earlier and it shows " she was taken aback at what the older had said to her

" am I that obvious?!" she whispered under her breath

" do you want him to know it ?" he asked

" no ! please no .. I'm aware that I'm just his worker here .. nothing more , nothing less and besides I don't deserve someone like him" she sadly pointed out

"then if you don't want him to know , do your job right .. you can't even approach Ni-ki .. is it that hard ?! " he whisper-shouted at her

"but ni-ki is ignoring me .. it's like that I had a virus that he keep avoiding me " she honestly stated which made jake groan

" ugh .. whatever ! just do everything to be close to him or I won't continue supporting you .. and I will tell Jay about your secret " he threatened the poor girl and made her eyes moisten in tears but she's just preventing it to fall down .. she doesn't want to cause drama inside the cafe

" okay mr. shim" Hae Jin just lowered her head

" yahh act normal .. are you crying there ? stop that .. I'm not even doing anything to you " jake said in a low tone so that nobody could hear him except Hae Jin

she just nodded and put a smile on her face nothing had happened

" yeah that's right .. good girl.. I'm going now
.make sure to do what i said .. i am watching you" he said and pat the girl's shoulder then smiled at her before he leaves .

jake just waved his hands to Ni-ki and Jay who was busy at the counter

Hae Jin just acted normal when she passed by in front of Ni-ki and went to the bathroom and cried silently .. but she didn't know that Ni-ki followed her because he sensed something and heard her cry .

I'm so excited for TXT & EN-Playground ..

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