it's all gone now

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Shaira's POV

i followed ni-ki as he ran outside .. he was so fast that i can't keep up with him . i kept chasing him until we reached the road ..

i was already near to him when he was about to cross the road still crying .. he didn't saw the fast moving car who's about to hit him since he was lowering his head and wiping his tears .

the car honked so loud and he just looked at it shocked ..

"RIKI!!" i shouted his name as i rushed to pull him away from the road . good thing I'm on time .. i saved him

"thanks God riki you're safe .. I'm so scared you might got hit by the car " i was so tensed because of what happened . ni-ki was just unable to talk right now .. he was so shocked for sure

" riki .. are you okay ? " i was going to hug him but he was so fast on avoiding it

"do i look okay ?! stay away from me ! " he angrily said .. i was hurt by the way he just talk to me . i was hurt when he said to stay away from him

"why? you said you love me .. but why are you pushing me away ? why riki ?" i was now crying .. i feel broken

"because your dad killed my parents !" i can see anger in his eyes

"W-what? " i asked confused "your dad was the one who planned on killing us but well, I'm still alive .. no wonder you're a Min also .. i never thought of the possibility .. i was so dumb "

"but riki .. what about us ? you said you love me but it's not what I'm seeing in your eyes now " i said in between of my sobs

"yes i love you .. but the hatred in my heart was much stronger .. if i just know  that you're his daughter , i shouldn't have love you !" he said and my heart was shattered into pieces .. why would he say those things to me ? he just confessed to me days ago that he love me but what's happening right now ?

"but it's my dad who have done wrong to you and your family riki .. it's not me ! why are you passing his sins to me like I'm the one who committed it ?"

"I'm sorry to say this shai but we should end whatever we had now" he simply says like it was nothing to him ..

" why ? does this means nothing to you ? do you want forget all the memories that we shared together? am i nothing to you ?" i asked and wanting him to answer that he still love me

"it's all gone now shai .. or maybe i was wrong about how i felt before" he said as he kept avoiding my eyes ..  he turned his back from me .. i hold his wrist to stop him from walking away

"no riki .. please don't do this to me .. i love you" he turned to me again and smirked

" now you'll tell me you love me after all these ? tss how dramatic" i just cried at what he said .. why is he so heartless ? why does he became like this ? he was not like this .. he was inlove with me but what had happened

he removed my hand that was holding his wrist and started to leave

"forget about me shai and I'll forget what your dad had done to me .. you said i won't take revenge right ? here I'm doing you a favor .. I won't do anything to your dad but please .. just please stay away from me " he said then left me who's now a mess

" riki I can't .. don't leave me , i love you .." i sobbed but he didn't look back at me .. i collapsed on the ground while looking at him walking away from me .. my heart aches so much . he was the first one that i love but failed to let him feel it i lost him , i lost the one i love

i feel some quick steps towards me" shai what happened ? where's ni-ki?and why are you crying ?" jay asked while panting

"he left me oppa " i said .. my tears doesn't stop from pouring

"what do you mean ? where did he go?" he asked again "he said i must stay away from him .. i guess he doesn't love me anymore "i said as he help me to sit on the bench nearby

"what? he love you?" heeseung asked me "we've been together for almost 3 days .. but i think today will be the end of it " my heart aches as i say these ..

"woah .. so you've been dating and we don't know " heeseung said still shocked " we decided to keep it a secret oppa .. "

" oh is that so? don't worry shai , we'll talk to him" i just nodded at him as they was about to run after ni-ki who left earlier

" we must follow him shai .. jake and sunghoon was going here also .they take care of you .." jay said and patted my head " okay oppa .. please make sure he's safe .. he almost got hit by a car earlier" jay just nodded his head and run at the direction where ni-ki went .

i looked up at the sky and still crying .. i kept asking myself what had i done wrong ?why does i have to feel this pain? why does this happen to us .. of all people , why us? why does dad did this to them? why ni-ki left me? does he still love me ? more and more questions keep popping in my head as i sob all the pain

i could feel someone embraced me .. i looked to know who it is and it was jake , my best friend

he looked at me with worried eyes ..

"jakeyy .. ni-ki broke up with me" i snuggled close to him and cried my heart out " it's okay shai .. I'm here " he slowly touched my hair to comfort me

"we must go back guys .. it's late and it's starting to rain" sunghoon said as droplets of water slowly touches my skin

"let's go shai ?" i nodded then we get back to the hospital but i kept looking at the direction where ni-ki went .. i was worried he might got rained . whatever he said earlier was hurtful but my feelings for him are still here . yes he hurt me but i believe he'll come back to me soon .. I'll just wait for that time to come .. when his heart heals . i will wait for him


i think this book is going to end soon .. but i'm not yet sure hehe 😃🤭

niki's pov in the next chapter .. we should know his side uwuuu


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