Part time job

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"Hey Jay hyung!"

Ni-ki approached Jay who was about to enter his coffee shop .

"Oh Ni-ki you finally visited me .. How are you?"

"I'm okay hyung .. hehe "

"that's good to hear .. come in "

They entered the coffee shop . Ni-ki gasp at how it was so aesthetically designed even though it's slightly had a minimalist touch . It suits Jay's personality . So welcoming .

"what do you want to drink ? you can order whatever you want but as long as it's in the menu of course haha .. there's dessert also just choose"

"wow hyung you're really nice .. "

"aww not really hehe .. I'm just nice with my favorite friends"

"I'm flattered to be one of them "

"as you should haha so what's your order .."

"one milkshake and a slice of black forest cake hyung"

"okay I'll just go to the counter ."

As he roam his eyes , he spotted a chalk board near the counter . He reads it . They needed a part timer .

Jay came back with their food .

"umm Jay hyung .. do you perhaps needed a part timer?"

He asked shyly . Jay smiled at him brightly

"oh yes .. do you want to apply ? but you're underage Ni-ki".

"yes but i could do everything hyung .. please let me work here"

He pleaded with puppy eyes

"well I guess I'll hire you .. So that we could hang out whenever we wanted "

He enthusiastically stated . Ni-ki thinks he doesn't need a part timer .. he needs a friend .

"yes! so how can i apply ? where should i pass my resume?"

"ahh you can hand it to me this saturday .. my friends will come and I want you to meet them ."

Ni-ki was shocked at how outgoing Jay is . He feel that he really belongs to Jay's world.. that he accepts him whoever he is .

"thanks hyung .. I will come "

"okay I'll wait for you then ."

They talked as they finish their food

"the cake was nice hyung and your milkshake was the best!"

Niki was satisfied with the food

"woah I could tell that you're really satisfied Ni-ki .. I'm glad you liked it"

"I don't just like it hyung .. but I love it !"

"haha you're so cheerful .. so cute"

Ni-ki just giggled

"maybe it's the reason why you have many costumers everyday hyung "

"umm no?"

"huh?what do you mean ? Then what might be the reason?"

"They come here because I'm so handsome"

Ni-ki couldn't help to but to laugh

"Haha hyung I hope you're okay hahaha"

"yahh Ni-ki so you mean I'm not handsome?"

"yes you're definitely handsome hyung but you're exaggerating haha"

"well you see those girl's at the back ? "

Ni-ki look at the back to see girls staring at them while whispering something and giggling

"ahh yes hyung ..what about them?

"well those four tables were occupied by them everyday just to stare at me"

He cooly stated the waved at the girls

The girls were squealing and literally jumping

"see? they're just whipped for me"

"wow you're so cool hyung "

Ni-ki said amazed

"yes I admit haha .. If my friends were also here, they would go crazy shop would be crowded if they come"

He said proudly . Ni-ki was thinking of how are they like . Maybe they're extremely handsome and rich as his Jay hyung .

"I want to meet them hyung and see if you're actually saying the truth"

"I never lied Ni-ki .. just see for yourself hahaha.. anyways they're all your hyungs so have some respect for them okay ?"

"woah okay hyung .. I must really need to be formal "

"well, it's better if you do .. they're more intimidating than me and serious .. they're like old business men "

"oh should i bow to them?"

"if you want I guess?"

"okay hyung I'll remember that .. anyways I'm going now . thank you for the amazing food hyung"

"you're always welcome Ni-ki and come here on saturday!"

"I will hyung bye"

He waved goodbye to Jay as he went outside the coffee shop. He headed home smiling. He's still thinking how are his hyung's friends are like . Maybe their really older than Jay . Maybe some big business men .


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