talk back

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Few days after , Jay posted Ni-ki and Hae Jin's photos at his social media account .. Jake immediately saw it and it made him smirk evilly

"woah .. I never thought Hae Jin was this fast in doing her job .. this is faster than i imagined " he was so impressed at the girl .. if he only knew that Hae Jin doesn't do anything because Ni-ki approached her first .

"i bet she's really afraid i might discontinue my support for her mother .. if this continue to happen quickly , i might be able to convince Shaira that Ni-ki doesn't really love her " he smiled at his idea ..

He saved everything that Jay had uploaded in his SNS and keep it for a future use ..

Jake was delighted about what Hae Jin had done so he decided to meet her .. He went to the cafe to watch as Hae Jin do her job .. the job that was part of their deal .

He could see Hae Jin cheerfully smiling and doing her work at the cafe from the outside since the front part of the cafe was made of glass .. but when he entered , jake could see how her face drops

" oh are you not happy to see me , Hae Jin~shi ? are you supposed to greet me ?" he sarcastically said which annoyed the girl

" ah yes .. good day mr. shim , please follow me this way " she politely said and walked first and showed a vacant table for jake

"  oh ho ! you're so formal .. please don't be .. we're friends right ?" he mocked .. the girl just scoffed in disbelief

"ahh really ? I didn't know ?" she taunted him back

" yahh watch your mouth young lady .. did you forget that your mom's life was in my hands ?" he can't believe the girl just talked back at him

"of course I did not forget that i signed a contract with a devil "

jake was now furiously looking at her and she could see the signs that jake might release his anger at any moment

" be thankful that I'm inside of Jay's property .. if not-"

"if not , what? you're hurting me? haaa just try it!! if that happens, it would only prove that you're really a bad person " she challenged the male

Jake just loosen up his necktie out of frustration .. he didn't imagine that Hae Jin was brave enough to talk to him like this .

" don't start with me Hae Jin .. I'm still nice to you now but if you continue , i don't know if what would i do to you " he threatened

"what? why are you so pressed ? I'm doing my job diligently " she uttered without showing any respect to the older male infront of her .. why would she respect him ? she had lost her respect to him ever since he made her do their deal

jake tried to calm himself down and just looked at the girl in front of him

" why are you so mad at me huh? I didn't even di anything to harm you ?" he tried to defend himself

" well , let's say you have done nothing wrong but why do i feel that everything that's coming from your mouth was a sin and everything that's in our deal was for your evil doings " she said frankly

"what the- .. you're really testing me huh " jake pushed the chair in front by his feet .. the girl just smirked at him

jay noticed it and rushed to them

"what's happening here ?! what is the fuss about jake ? are you both arguing?" he was surprised that the one who caused the chaos was jake

"aww it's nothing serious jay .. i was just mad that i accidentally kicked the chair and it has nothing to do with Hae Jin" he's good at lying

" oh .. I thought something is happening between the both of you .. " jay feel relieved of what he heard

" sorry dude .. she was just about to ask me what to order but I'm still mad about something .. that made me behaved rude .. I won't do this anymore at your cafe , i promise" he apologized to his friend

"okay then .. Hae Jin~ah take his order now .. i bet a tea would be perfect for his bad mood " jay ordered then patted the girl's shoulder " please just bare with him for now" he whispered to Hae Jin's ear .. she just nodded in response

Jay left as soon as Hae Jin moved to get jake's order

" so what's your order now sir ?" she's now talking politely to jake

" tss .. give me a cup of tea " he's still mad but slowly calming down his senses

" there's nothing to be pressed about sir .. " the only thing she said before she left Jake on his table


she came a few minutes after with a cup of tea and a cupcake .. while she puts the food , jake glared at her

" i didn't order a cupcake "

" oh .. it's on me sir .. i hope you like it " she smiled at him , a fake one

" i know that your smile was fake Hae Jin~shi .. don't try to fool me " the girl just scoffed

" i just learned it from you sir and I'm glad you noticed it .. you're sure a great teacher" she mocked again the older boy

" i don't know what has gotten to you today that you had the courage to talk back to me .. but nice try Chu Hae Jin .. you successfully made my blood boil " he uttered while sipping on his tea

" i was practicing my acting mr. shim .. so you'll be proud of me " she sarcastically said which made him choke a little

" I'm still watching you young lady .. I'm glad you finally moved closer to him " jake said in authority

"yeah yeah .. whatever " the girl said and suddenly Ni-ki passed by at them while serving to another costumer ..the girl was quick to notice him

"do you need anything sir?she asked to change the topic

" oh .. nothing .. I'll just call you whenever I need something"

"alright then .. enjoy your food " she then left when she saw ni-ki who's about to come back to the counter

Hae jin waited for Ni-ki to walk with him

"it looks like jake hyung had his favorite server now hmm ?" ni-ki teased the girl beside him 

" of course I'm the only one serving here if you're busy at the counter" well, that's true

" but you both keep talking "

" are you jealous ?" she then laughed and put her hands at the back of Ni-ki near his right shoulder

" eww no .. why would I ? ask Jay hyung maybe he's the one who's jealous haha" Ni-ki's statement made the girl confused

" what?"

" ahh nothing hehe .. oh ! there's a costumer " he pointed for her to notice

the both of them rushed to their posts to cater the costumer's needs .

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