It's her

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Its almost four o'clock and Shaira can't help it but to be excited with her first ever work. She's at school and just waiting for the bell to ring .

Her classmates were in their own world while she , she's just staring outside the window .

Then the bell rang signaling students that classes has finally ended . She reached for her things then decided to leave some of her books at the locker before proceeds to the cafe .

She excitedly skips her way to the coffee shop where her best friend told her to come .

It's an extraordinary day for her knowing that she'll be able to kill her free time while at the same time working with pay .. for the first time .

She then arrives at the cafe . As she enters, she couldn't stop herself but to admire the aesthetically designed place . It's really a nice place to relieve stress while sipping some coffee , she thoughts .

" hey Shai ! I'm here "Jay called her while he was talking to a boy who she thinks was almost the same age as hers .

"hi Jay oppa.. I mean sir "she greeted the older then bowed at him .

"haha this'll be quite awkward .. yes you can call me sir when it's your work time to avoid misunderstandings with you co-workers because they might think I'm having favoritism here . But whenever it's not your time of work, you can drop the formalities hehe .. same goes with you my boy , Ni-ki"

Her head turned to the direction of the boy named Ni-ki then back to Jay

"yes sir !" Both of them agreed enthusiastically to their boss .

"I still want to talk to you both , to supervise you but something came up and I really have to go .. I have told Ni-ki what to do so just ask him if there's something that you don't know Shai .. Your work was so simple anyways I know it won't be difficult for you .. You'll just have to welcome costumers , serve and clean the tables while Ni-ki will be on the cashier "

Jay said out of breath .. he is rapping . But she still understands every single word he said .

They just nod to him

"So I'll leave you now .. I guess . I'm in a hurry "

"Okay hyung ".. "Okayy !" they both said in unison


"hi ! I'm Shaira .. you can call me Shai "

she introduced herself while Ni-ki just stares at her with blank emotion .

"Ni-ki " he simply says

"I think I saw you before "

Ni-ki looked at her again then confusedly tilted his head when he remembers that girl in the cemetery

"ahh it's you .. the one who's at the cemetery "

She said but Ni-ki just ignored her and walked away from her

"hey I'm talking to you .. hello?"

Ni-ki turned his head to her

"I don't have time for chitchatting it's time to work"

Annoyed , the young boy walked to the cashier while pinning his nameplate on his black uniform which Jay gave to him earlier.

"umm okay ? but where's my uniform?"

"it's on the staff's area . Change for it quickly because costumers might arrive soon " he coldly stated while the girl just rolled her eyes


She then runs to the staff room to change .


Ni-ki's POV

"it's her .. that annoying girl . She destroyed my precious time with my parents "

I remembered how she just talks out of nowhere while I'm crying . It made me feel uncomfortable. I don't want anyone to see me cry .

But something's telling me that it's not the first time I saw her ..


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