can you be mine ?

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i just got home from sunoo hyung's place .. jungwon hyung also went home . his mom has been calling him since the morning but he can't go yet because of the rain

nana wasn't here , probably she's at the market . i just did some chores here before i opened my phone and decided to text shaira .

i miss her .. since last night , i kept thinking of her


hi shai
are you busy?

hello .. nope why?

can we talk about something ?

yeah sure
what is it?

can we talk about it in person?

hmm okay
but where?

you know the park near the bridge?
we can just meet there
of course if it's okay

it's okay with me
I'll be there
just wait for me

okay take care ❤️



"oh my god did  she just replied a heart to me ? "
i was smiling widely seeing the heart emoji from her . of course i didn't expect her to give me a heart .. i expected here to ignore my message at first but then she replied right away

i get change to a more warm clothes before i went outside

after a few minutes , i arrived at the park but shaira wasn't there . maybe she's still on her way .. suddenly a young girl came to me holding a small basket with of white roses

"oppa , would you like to buy a rose ?" i looked at the basket which i assume the rose that she's selling

"oh ! how much is it ?" i asked .. she immediately smiled at me " it's 3,000 won for a set of three "

"I'll take one set then " i said as she give me the flowers .. i give her the payment and she thanked me then left

I'm smiling to the rose as i think about shaira .. when someone called my real name

"riki!" i looked back to where the voice came from and i saw her.. shaira , the love of my life

i waved at her and i saw her smiling . she skips at the puddles left by the rain . she was so cute as she jump from the other side of the puddle like a child

she's near to me and I immediately hide the flowers to my back .

"hey ! " i said  " hi riki .. how are you?"

"why are you suddenly calling me by my real name ? " i hate it when my friends kept calling me with my real name but when it comes to her ,i felt comfortable

" because it's cute" i smiled " okay ? you can call me that from now on if you want "

"okay ! by the way what are we talking about ?" she looked at me confused

"it's because i miss you" she hit my shoulder "aww ! why did you do that? it hurts " she just laughed at me

"it's so cringey omg "

" why ? you didn't miss me ? my heart hurts " i grab my chest and act like i was really hurt

she just rolled her eyes " whatever riki .. so , do you have something to say ? " she asked as she sits on the space near me

"as i said , i just miss you .. you kept ignoring me at the cafe " she just giggled

"oh that? it's because you're annoying "

" why .. you don't want to date me ? you don't like me? " i asked her " no , not that "

"then why ? " she just looked in front of her " it's because i can't focus on my work if you're near me "

" am i really distracting you ? I'm sorry "

"oh ! no it's just that .. omg how can i explain this .. i can't focus because of your presence .. I suddenly get excited whenever you're near and I got conscious if you're looking at me because i don't know if i look good or if i do my work properly  . I just don't want to embarrass myself infront of you "

i smiled at how cute she is right now

" is that so ? omg are you shy at me ? " i teased her " hmm sort of hehe "

" you don't have to .. you're still perfect for me in any way you look . and if you've done your work wrong , I'm still here to help you so don't ignore me anymore " i assured her and she nodded shyly

"and by the way , this is for you " i get the flower that was hidden at my back

she was shocked .. i could see it " oh ! are these really for me ?" i just hummed in response

" do you know these are my favorite ? " she asks " wow .. it's just a coincidence . a girl just sell it to me and it's good to know that it's your favorite "

"do you like it ?" i added " nope "

" huh?I thought-"

"because i love it! thank you riki " she cutted me .. i feel relieve .. i thought she really don't like it

" anything for you shai " she smiled .. she's so pretty

"shai ?" i called her .. she was busy with the flower " hmmm?"

" can you be mine ? " i nervously asked her .. she looked me straight in the eyes

i don't know what has gotten into me that i came up with this question . I'm not completely ready for this .. yes but i really want her to be mine .

i was so nervous .. what if she'll reject me ? what if she doesn't really like me ? more questions are flashing in my mind .. I don't know anymore

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