the guys

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Sunghoon called his friend immediately..


"dude .. I found it " .he exclaimed

" good .. I'll call my secretary to meet you now *  Jake answered him

"But I also found something " He said making Jake confused

" oh .. what is it ? " he asked then he remembered the letters Shaira  made for Ni-ki that he hide inside his drawer

"Jake the letters .. How could you ?" He asked Jake who's nervous right now

"Hoon , let me explain "

" Jake , I never thought you would do this .. You .. tss . Jake I'm really disappointed " Sunghoon said making him more anxious

" Please hear me out  .. I just really love Shaira that I had to do that . Ni-ki was taking her away from me but when they broke up , I thought it was my chance " He confessed

" But you didn't have to do him dirty dude .. I know you love her but she hasn't been yours to start with and Ni-ki is our friend . How come you do this to him ?" He said still siding Ni-ki .. of course

" Whatever hoon .. The things had been done and we can't do anything about it now . All I need to do is to make Shaira mine  . " Jake said that made Sunghoon scoffed in disbelief

" All this time that you stole from them , yet you still haven't got what you wanted ? All those things you've done to them , but you're still Shaira's BEST FRIEND ?! There's no hope for you Jake . Whatever you'd do , she'll still choose Ni-ki over you . " Jake clenched his fist after he heard what Sunghoon said . Why is he on Ni-ki's side ? Isn't he his best friend ?

" What are you saying hoon ? She'll eventually be mine and no one could ever take her away from me ! And I thought we are best friends then why are you siding on Ni-ki now ? Is he more important to you now ?" Jake accused him

" It has nothing to do with being friends Jake . Ni-ki obviously has done nothing to you , yet you do this to him ? All this time you knew where Shaira is but you never told us . You know how Ni-ki was longing for her , Jake but you take that  single chance for them to meet again . You're so selfish Jake . You just do it for your own good . Shaira doesn't love you .. I know it . She still loves Ni-ki . If you've just given him those fucking letters , everything would come back to what is it before but you're so selfish and keep them . Now you're asking me why am I on his side on this ? It is obviously your fault Jake . You are not that person you are now . Please bring back my best friend . He's the one we needed . " Sunghoon sternly said .. frustrated at Jake

" All I just do was to love her hoon .. Even she doesn't love me back . But I'm making her mine now . We'll be engaged . " His tongue slipped .. he shouldn't let them know

" What ? How come you're both going to be engaged ? You're not even a couple .. You're not forcing her .. aren't you ? I'm telling you Jake .. Just stop it . It'll never do good to you . You'll just end up being hurt and also Shaira . You said you love her but why are you doing this ? If you really love her , then is it the right thing to do is to let her go ? And give her the happiness she deserves ? Then why are you there caging her ? This is insane Jake , you're insane . " Sunghoon said that made him think for a moment but still no one could stop him from doing this

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