the start

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Hae Jin cried until her heart's content without even knowing that someone was silently listening to her . Ni-ki waited her outside until she finished crying and fixed herself .

She went out of the cubicle and was surprised to see Ni-ki leaning by the door crossing his arms and looking at her .

" why are you waiting there? there's a separate one for males "

"actually , I was waiting for you to come out" Ni-ki explained

" why ? do you need some-" she's unable to finish her sentence because Ni-ki interrupted her " are you okay?" the boy asked with sympathy in his eyes

the girl was at the state of shock of course .. this is the first time Ni-ki talked to her unrelated to work and she find it amusing that Ni-ki had this kind of side .

" oh .. I'm okay ? why would you ask me that ?" she played dumb to cover up what actually happened and also she's confused .. is he concerned?

" I just heard you cry and you're saying , you're okay ? is that how you express your happiness?" he sarcastically said to the same aged girl

" ahh about that , can you please just forget about it ?"

"is your problem that hard that you had to cry that way ? what's bothering you ? did jake hyung do something to you ?" he asked multiple questions

"oh it has nothing to do with mr. shim .. i just had problems at home that's it "

"is that so ? hmm .. you can tell me if there's something bothering you " Ni-ki said wholeheartedly that made the girl choked on her saliva

" woah are you for real ? is it real that Ni-ki talked to me first ?wow this is not so you " she can't believe that this is actually happening .. she can't even approach Ni-ki at first but now , he's the one initiating the conversation first ..

"what now ?!I'm being nice here and it seems that you don't like it .. am I just the one who thinks that we could be friends ?" ni-ki blurted with annoyance

" wow and you're saying that you want to be my friend also ? omg what did i do in my past life to deserve this? " she's really surprised at how Ni-ki behaved ..

" why is it that i feel that you're looking up at me like I'm a celebrity ? psshhh .. we're equally made human beings .. "

" because you act like one ? " she replied

" what do you mean , I act like one ?"

" because first , you're so hard to reach out .. I kept approaching you , to talk to you but you are avoiding me and being so mean to me.. it's kinda annoying sometimes actually .. I just wanted to be close to you since we're working on the same place .. and also you seemed so reserved . are you an introvert ? "

" oh well , just think that I'm an introvert so you wouldn't think hard of the reasons .. " he simply said that made her confused more

" what ? you're really one ? this is making me more confused " Ni-ki just laughed the girl's reaction " why are you laughing ? did you just laughed at me ?" she asked

" oh nothing .. your reaction , I just find it so funny " he giggled as he reply

" the more i interact with you , the more i see something new to you .. omg did you really laugh ? " she's amazed like she's a mother who heard her child talk for the first time

" we could interact more in the future " he instantly said which made Hae Jin smile at him

" woah I feel chills .. how nice of you to finally broke your wall from the world "

" am i that reticent to you ?"

"are you dumb or what ? i mean you didn't noticed that you're building walls from others ?" she couldn't believe Ni-ki was this dense or is he just acting dumb

" well , I'm aware of that of course but i don't care about other people . i just value those who stayed with me or those people who are on my side .. those people who just come and go in my life , those who just came to ruin me and those who i feel that would just turn back at me , i just don't invest relationship with them .. I can't risk any emotional affiliation with dumbasses " he seriously said that made the girl to keep quiet and just listen to the boy in front of him

" ohhh .. so why are you investing a relationship with me ? you're not sure if I'm going to take sides with you .. what if I'm just like those who just left you or those who broke your trust ?"

" well , are you ? " she was taken aback at what Ni-ki had said .. she suddenly remembered her and jake's deal .. she's a bit guilty but couldn't care less .. it's her mom's life at risk here

" of course not .. i could see that you're now willing to be my friend this time and this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for me " she smiled brightly at Ni-ki but she feels guilty

" if so , then are we friends now hmmm?" he said unsure

Hae Jin looked at him in awe .. she still couldn't believe that she's a step closer to their plan but she's afraid what would happen if Ni-ki would know that she's just using him ? but it's him who first approached her to be his friend ..

"umm , yes of course .. i would love to be your friend " she flashed a bright gummy smile at him

they were about to shake hands when a flash brightly strikes their eyes ..

"what the -" Ni-ki almost cursed when he turned around to see the one who caused it

"jay hyungie ?!"

" hehe hello to you both .. sorry for interrupting your precious moment " he apologized to his younger friend

" what are you saying precious moment ? how long you've been there ? "

" I was looking for the both of you because it's a long time that you both are gone and I'm the only one who worked there outside like I'm your boss here .. hello?" he said half joking "but I found you both here .. I accidentally heard everything that you both talked about and secretly recorded it hehe opps it's supposed to be a secret hehe " he added

ni-ki couldn't do anything since it happened already so he just let jay do what he want

" aisshhh hyung .. you could have said it earlier if you wanted a picture of us .. come here Hae Jin , let's pose for jay hyung " he grabbed the girl's wrist .. Hae Jin didn't hesitate to do what he said .. both of them pose for a picture which jay gladly took but Ni-ki noticed jay kept wiping his eyes

" hyung .. are you crying ?" he asked jay

" what ? I'm not .. something's got in my eyes " he denied when he's really obvious

"don't lie jay hyung .. i know you are " he teases his hyung ..

" ahh fine i am .. I'm just happy that you're having a new friend and you're slowly coming back to your old self now , you just teased me .. it's like the old Ni-ki that I knew" jay explained how glad he is .. he doesn't want to see that miserable Ni-ki again

" don't be dramatic hyungie .. you're embarrassing me "

"don't be .. let her know how much i care for you " he put his arms around the younger's shoulder and looked at Hae Jin and wiggle his eyebrows

"ahh don't mind him Hae Jin .. he's just like this whenever he got a chance " Ni-ki explained when she saw a judging look from the girl

" yeah sure " she just simply replied " but could we like go back to our work now ? i bet there's a lot of costumers now and no one's at the counter " she added which made the both males to flinch

" oh right ! let's go" jay said as he runs but he halted right away " oh i remembered I'm the boss here so it's the both of you who needs to go to the counter .. " both of them just laughed at Jay's stupidness and rushed to cater the newly entered costumers

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