New friend

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After leaving the cemetery , Ni-ki went to the police station to ask about the person who killed his parents and to talk to him .

He then met by a big man who looks like a villain from a movie . He thought that maybe this man had killed many people .

"may I know who you are kid?"

He asked not knowing who Ni-ki is. Ni-ki just smirked at him .

"I am the child of the people that you killed"

The man gasped at what he had heard . He then looked straight into the eyes of the boy in front of him.

" I'm so sorry kid ..I was just hired to kill them "

"Hired? Then who hired you ? Tell me !"

Ni-ki furiously stated as he stand up angrily

"He is your father's best friend .. Min Jooyun "

"Min Jooyun?"

"Yes he's the one who planned this .. He just hired me since I badly needed money that time "

Ni-ki remembers that man he used to call uncle . How can he betray his father like that ? He thought

"Okay thank you .. but I can't do anything for you .You still must pay for what you did to my parents"

Ni-ki said which the man smirked at him .

"I'm not asking anything from you kid .. I just wanted Min Jooyun to get in jailed like me so that he can suffer like how I am now "

Ni-ki then left while thinking how could Min Jooyun betrayed his father . His father was so nice to him . How ungrateful he is .

His dad treated him like a real brother but how can he be so cruel that he had to kill his friend .

Is it because of money and power ?

If that's the reason then he doesn't want to became rich . It will only lead to problems .

"Now , how can I find that Min Jooyun ? I haven't heard of him "

He said thinking

"And how would I take revenge on him?"

Ni-ki really wanted him to suffer like him .All these years he lost his precious parents and his life was miserable just because of this greedy man.

He kicked the stone on the road while cursing Min Jooyun in his mind when someone groaned in pain .

"ugh .. who threw that stone ? fuck it hurts"

The young man hissed in pain caressing his head .

"umm hey I'm sorry I kicked the stone harshly and accidentally hit you .. I didn't mean it I'm sorry"

The young man turned his back to face him .

"oh so you're the one that threw that ? kicked that I mean "

Ni-ki lowered his head fidgeting his hands nervously nodded his head

"y-yes .. I'm so sorry I didn't mean to "

"Ahh it's okay .. It doesn't even hurt actually I was just exaggerating "

He looked at Ni-ki then smiled

"Oh so you're okay?"

"yes I guess? By the way I'm Jay "

Ni-ki didn't expect him to introduce himself to him

"Ahh well , I'm Ni-ki .. nice meeting you Jay"

They shake their hands

"so why are you kicking stones?"

he ask out of nowhere

"I just got angry of what I had knew from someone"

"oh .. it must be bad "

"yes kinda"

he scratches the back of his neck

"oh by the way .. as a new friend of mine .. you can visit anytime at my coffee shop near the school "

"woah .. we're friends?"

He can't believe Jay would be friends with him .. Is it too fast ? If he's this so friendly with strangers , maybe he had a bunch of friends out there .

"yes? so come there anytime and just search for me .. Jay Park at your service "

"okay .. so you owned that place ? you're rich bro"

"well not really but my father is .. ya know .. I'm just managing it but it comes from him technically "

"wow good for you then"

He said smiling at his "new friend"

"you should come there if you have time . I will let you have free drinks and you can meet my other friends"

"oh you're so nice even if I hit you with a stone"

He said awkwardly which make Jay laugh

" I said it's okay .. I'm just being nice to you since I could see that you're a nice guy also"

"okay? I might go there some time .. but I guess I'm going home now "

"oh yes yes okay .. take care dude"

"thanks you too . take care .. stones might hit you again "

Ni-ki said laughing .. He didn't expect himself to laugh . He couldn't even remember that last time he laughed truly . He just always laughed sarcastically and fake . He never been this true to express his feelings .

"That Jay Park is something "

He just said while going home .

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