Who are you ?

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Ni-ki visited his parents' grave . He missed them . He longed for them .

Tears started to fall when he remembers the days when they're still there for him . Those lullabies his mom used to sing for him when he needs to sleep . Those times when he had his dad playing with him every time he went home from work .

He just missed everything . Everything that includes his mom and dad .

"M-mom .. dad .. how are you there? "

"Do you enjoy staying there ?"

"Are you happy there ? If you would ask me if I am , then I am not "

"I kept struggling here and my life sucks "

He still talking even though no one would answer him.

"I hope you can see me "

"Nana and I are struggling but we're okay .. she cares for me and that's all I wanted"

"I hope you're still here "

"because I miss you both "

He said started to cry again .. He cried as if this is the last time that he would cry . He felt so heartbroken .

Suddenly a soft hand landed on his shoulders . He wiped his tears .

He's shocked but slowly looked up to see who it is . But the person started to talk .

"Life will never be so easy if you don't play it well . Sometimes you might fail but the time would come that you'll win . Remember to choose wisely of what you wanted your life to be."

Ni-ki looked at her puzzled .

"Who are you and why are you talking to me?"

"oh just a random passerby .. I visited someone here and happened to see you here crying . "

"and by the way I'm Shaira"

he raised his eyebrows

"ahh thanks for the concern but I don't need it ."

he then walked away

"what happened to him? I was just being nice to him .. "

"He's so unbelievable"

she rolled her eyes

"but maybe I just offended him .. hmm whatever"

She then left the place and just ignored how she just met some stubborn stranger .


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