She's cute

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After that day , Jay kept on watching the two teenagers' behavior towards each other . They're not that close but still .. they're talking .

It's been two weeks but they're still not on the level of friends . Just plain workmate . Jay can't believe why they're like this .. He thinks that maybe they hate each other or what .

"Hey child .. Ni-ki . Do you have plans later after your shift ?

Jay asked the younger who's busy preparing a coffee at the counter .

"Nothing hyung .. Imma go straight home , why do you ask ? "

Ni-ki finished the coffee and told Shaira to serve it to the costumer 

"Ahh maybe we could hang out later after this ..Then I'll be closing the cafe at an earlier time so you won't get home late "

"And of course I won't cut your salary for this day if that would bother you hehe "

Jay grinned while looking at the younger boy .

"wow hyung you read my mind .. That was what I'm thinking "

"Haha .. I'm a mind reader ya know "

Jay laughed and Shaira came back after serving the costumer's order .

"Oh Shaira you wanna come with us .?"

"To where sir?"

"it's a secret . I have talked to Ni-ki that we're hanging out later after work and we're going to close the cafe earlier .. so you wanna join?"

The girl thinks of it before she nodded .She trusts Jay that he wouldn't bring them to any dangerous place since he's Jake's friend

"oh okay sir I will but I must be home before 11 or else my dad would scold me"

"okay okay . I'll drive you home before your curfew hours"

Ni-ki looked at her . He somehow feel excitement but he just shrugged it off


It's nearly 8pm and Jay decided to close the shop .The three of them got ready to head out .

The two younger hopped in at the back seat of Jay's car while Jay was in the driver's seat

"wow I look like your driver "

Jay said then laughed sarcastically

Ni-ki looked at him and gets what he means then decided to transfer to the shotgun seat

While they were heading to somewhere they didn't know , Shaira fell asleep .

Jay saw it and gets Ni-ki's attention by tapping his shoulders

"Hey kid .. it looks like our princess was asleep "

Ni-ki looked at the mirror to see Shaira sleeping cutely

"Ahh so cute"

Ni-ki whispered but Jay heard it

"yah I heard it Ni-ki .. do you have a crush on her ?"

"what!!? No hyung !" he said blushing

"Then why are you blushing? you and your lies .." jay asked Ni-ki slightly teasing him

"N-no I'm not "

"aww you're stuttering ..stop denying young man .. I knew it"

Jay looked at Ni-ki with wiggling eyebrows and a devilish smile

"ahhh stop teasing me hyung .. I hate you now"

Ni-ki sulked while pouting

"omg Ni-ki you look so cute while pouting "

Jay was indeed soft for Ni-ki

"whatever hyung .. and stop teasing me "

"oh god you're no fun Ni-ki"

Ni-ki just stayed silent so that his hyung would never tease him again . He often looks at the mirror to see the girl at the back who's quietly taking her nap ..

While Jay just concentrate on driving but still stealing glances at Ni-ki who's staring at the back view mirror . He smiled at the thought that Ni-ki might have a crush on Shaira but he's just  denying it ..

The ride was silent until Jay stopped a a certain place Ni-ki hasn't even went to . He's confused at why did Jay brought them to this place when they're literally minor . He can't believe Jay had made this idea .

Ni-ki shakes Shaira's shoulder to woke her up when Jay talked

"guys we're here!"

He excitedly said .

Shaira had woken up from her nap and looked at the window . She gasped while looking at the place that they were in. She also can't believe that she trusted Jay . Why would he bring her in this kind of place ?

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