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We just stare at the night sky in silence . We couldn't think about a topic to talk right now . We're just admiring the beauty of the stars and the crescent moon while listening to the crickets and noice from the city not far from us .

I coughed breaking the silence between us.

"ehem .. Ni-ki "


He answered but he's still looking at the sky blankly .

"umm , we're not that close and there's some things that the both of us didn't know from each other so .. umm maybe we could share some personal things about ourselves?"

I shyly suggested to him .. he looked at me .. his eyes were shining and I saw the stars in his eyes .. gosh am I being whipped?

"I guess you're that interested in me "

"what no .. I was just curious "

"it's the same"

"whatever.. so , we now knew that we have the same birthday .. um may I know what are your likes?"



"nevermind I'm just kidding hahha"

He awkwardly laughed

"I love dancing and arts but more on dancing ..hehe yeah dancing "

"oh right! you're really good at dancing .. I was amazed when I first saw you dance at Jay oppa's place"

"well , it's my first time coming to a place like that and I usually dance alone .. sometimes with my best friends but most of the time when I'm alone"

"oh you have best friends?"

"yes and they're so supportive of me .. they were like my brothers ."

"what's their name?"

"Sunoo hyung and Jungwon hyung .and they're the cutest"

"you're cute also"

"aww .. thanks"

He winked at me gosh why is he like this?

"I'll let you meet them soon if you want "

"woah really? I would love to meet your friends"

"Do you also have a best friend ?"

"Ahh yes .. Jakeyyy oppa"

"jake ? Jay hyung's friend?"

"yes ! we've been friends for a long time now .. I met him in Australia when I'm studying there"

"oh you've been to Australia? woah so cool"

"not so cool I guess haha I'm slightly an outcast there but luckily I have jake by my side so my life was a bit easier "

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