he looks ethereal

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Shaira's POV

"Ni-ki ! look at the water .. it's shining!"

I excitedly pointed at the water that refected different colors of lights .. It's so beautiful .

"yeah yeah .."

He coldly stated

"why are you so cold ? geez you're colder than the night breeze "

He looked at me gloomy .. omg what happened to him ? why is he acting like this so sudden .

"hey can you just smile ? I'll take your photo"

"the whole place reflects your beauty.. wow so ethereal"

Ni-ki then looked at me slightly smiling . I guess I lift up his mood

"okay .. make sure I'll look good in your shots"

"yes masternim"

He strike different poses and every move he makes , was indeed so beautiful . He would've been a model .

"hey please take it faster . I'm tired being in this position"

He complained . He was now leaning on the bridge's barricade and looking up to the sky .

" move your hands a little bit .. "

He did what I commanded

"wow ! you'll end the career of those super models Ni-ki"

I was literally jumping while looking at my shots .. The place complemented his visuals plus the colors of the lights added life to the picture . This is so good !

"c'mon stop exaggerating your comments . I'm just a trying hard model of yours"

"aww my Ni-ki is so humble"

wait .. I paused . What the hell did I say? omg Help-

I look at him and he's now smirking . What's with him ?

"I'll be yours if you want "

omg he's still smirking and not gonna lie he looks even handsome while smirking .. gosh this kid is killing me with his visuals . I'm internally panicking . How to calm down . He even said he can be mine .. omg omg !

"stop it child .. do you want to kill me ?"

"I'm not even doing anything to you and stop calling me a child .. we're literally twins from different mothers"

"what? do we have the same birthday?"

"uh huh .. jay hyung told me "

"omg I'mma call you twinny from now on !"

"fine , whatever you want"

I unconsciously wrapped my arms around his .. He flinched of course but still let me ..omg his arms we're so skinny but still comfy to touch .

"why are you suddenly being close to me ?"

"because I want to ?"

"if Jay hyung was seeing this , he'll smack your hands or might think you like me haha"

"well there's a high possibility that it might happen haha "

We both laughed .. It's more fun without Jay oppa

"Let's go there Ni-ki"

I pointed to the other side of the bridge where there's a big tree .. I unwrapped my arms from him and held his hands .

He nodded and immediately intertwine our fingers .. Gosh my heart is uncontrollably beating right now . He then put our hands inside his hoodie's pocket . LMAO  is this a kdrama?

I was just normally walking and smiling to him but deep inside I'm panicking ..

"We're here Shai"

I looked at him then smiled .. he smiled to me too . oh my god his smile is the most precious thing on earth . I'm now devastated .

" ahh Y-yeah.."

Why am I even stuttering?

"There's no bench here  .. let's sit on the grass instead?"

I nodded my head .. The benches were on the other side but not that far from us .. but I guess it's better to sit on the grass and stare at the night sky .

"sit here .. "

He tapped the space beside him . He put his scarf on the grass where we were sitting so our clothes wouldn't get dirty  .


I didn't hesitate to sit beside him . I'm also tired from all the walking that we had done  .


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