20k Special

498 23 11

Happy Holidays!
What traditions do you celebrate?
I celebrate Yule!

A light snow had fallen around the castle. Small, elegant snowflakes fell in your hair and tickled your nose.
Oh, the most beautiful time of the year!

And you hated it.

You let out a frustrated sigh as you tightened your winter jacket around your torso. Shirayuki had sent another Herbalist to call you to the Court's Greenhouse.

"Why did the greenhouse have to be heated?! How did they even figure that out? Actually- I don't care. I wish they would have just let the plants die because then I wouldn't have to walk out in the cold snow," you mumbled angrily as Ryuu hid his amused smile beside you.

Ryuu was genuinely concerned about you being too cold at the beginning of your journey to the greenhouse (a 15 minutes walk at the most), but quickly realized your dramatic interjections were nothing more than you being, well, dramatic.

He stretched out his mittened hand which you hesitantly held, "People tend to carry sickness more in the cold." Ryuu said

You stuck your nose up in the air, "Not my problem!"

"You're a doctor!"

You ignored him comment as the greenhouse became closer.
Oh, the long freezing walk was over! You eagerly opened the greenhouse doors and felt delighted when the warmth hit you in the face.

Ryuu followed you inside as you called for Shirayuki. It wasn't long before Shirayuki ran towards you and squished you in a hug. Her eyes gleamed as bright as her hair.

"Woah, Shirayuki," she put you down, still smiling wildly, "Why are you so happy?" You laughed as she spun in a circle, holding something close to her chest you hadn't notice before.

"Oh, you won't believe it!" She giggled, "One of my old friends in Tanbarun sent me some Cacaco beans!"

"You have friends?"

Ryuu smacked your arm, "What are Cacaco beans?" He asked quickly

Shirayuki must have missed your comment as she was still gleaming, "I have no idea!" She respond happily, "But they sent instructions for what seems to be a tea," Shirayuki held the bag of crushed Cacaco Beans in one hand as she gave you a slip of paper from her pocket.

"A tea made of beans?" Ryuu mumbled as he read the instructions over your shoulder.

Hot Cococa

1. Crush Cacaco Beans into fine powder. This is consider Cococa Powder.

2. Warm water or milk

3. Mix with a dash of sugar

Shirayuki bounced with excitement whilst waiting for you to finish reading.

You glanced up at her, "Warmed milk sounds gross. Are you sure you want to make this?"

She nodded eagerly, taking the paper back and marching out the doors, back into the frozen world.

"I think warmed water sounds worse," Ryuu said as you followed Shirayuki.

By the time you made it to the Common Room, Shirayuki had gotten the 4 ingredients together.

She handed Ryuu the bag of beans, "Can you crush this while Y/n and I heat the water and milk?"

He nodded as you and Shirayuki walked towards the large fireplace.

"Remember! Fine powder!" Shirayuki yelled, making you chuckle

"He knows what he's doing," you smiled

She nudged you with her shoulder, "Of course, you'd say that."

You both laughed and joke while the liquids warmed before setting them back at the center table.
Shirayuki had already set out 3 glass cups, pouring the milk in hers and Ryuu. Then water in yours. Ryuu added 3 scoops of the powder to each and you added more than a dash of sugar in the glasses.

You counted down from 3 and each of you of took a sip at the same time.
Instance bitterness coated your taste buds, you and Shirayuki quickly spit out the contents.

"That was disgusting," you mumbled while wiping your mouth

Shirayuki frowned as she stared into her cup, "Maybe it needs more sugar?"

"More sugar?" Both of you look at Ryuu as he took another sip, "It's actually quite sweet for my preference,"

Both of your mouths hung open.

Ryuu's cheeks reddened as his eyes darted between the two of you, "Add more sugar to yours and see if it tastes better."

You added, what Ryuu considered, "an unhealthy amount" of sugar to both of the cups. But you're a doctor, so if you aren't worried about it- someone else probably should be

Shirayuki tasted her's first and instantly perked back up. She smiled as she gestures for you to try yours.
You hesitantly took a sip and were relieved when sweetness slid across your tongue.

You and Shirayuki laughed as Ryuu cringed whilst trying some of yours. Mumbling something about diabetes.

The day ultimately ended earlier than you would have liked. You spent the rest of the day with Shirayuki and Ryuu, making jokes and telling stories. You and Ryuu bickered about each other's tastes in sweetness, but you wouldn't have traded it for anything in the world.

Well, maybe year around summer.

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