16 - An Injury, An Offer, And Lots of Miscommunication

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YOU GROANED AS YOU got off the horse, your arm stung and throbbed. Your wrist, where the cut was, wouldn't stop bleeding, and you could feel your pulse up to your shoulder.

You looked over at the spot Zen, Kiki and Mitsuhide where the first time you met them.
Who stood there now were, Ryuu, Shirayyuki and Shuka.
You began to walk over to the group, but Mitsuhide picked you up from behind, slinging you to bridal style. The shock factor was fading, meaning you were about to go into a lot of pain.

"Hey, I can walk." You said while still holding your arm to your chest.
Mitsuhide ignored you as he began to hum.
Your arm was injured not your legs, this annoyed you greatly. The feeling of weakness while you knew you were capable of walking seemed unnatural to you. It felt more unbearable than your arm.

Shuka was the first to notice your arm, "Y/n what happened?!" This brought Ryuu's attention to you.
You noticed the snowflakes falling into Ryuu's hair, the contrast of light and dark made him seem even more attractive than before. You admitted it to yourself, Ryuu was an attractive 16 year old. From his blue eyes to his lean figure you enjoyed looking at it all.

Shirayuki grimaced, "It's bleeding a lot, Mitsuhide what can I do?"

Hearing this made you apply more pressure. It wasn't really bleeding as much as before, but the blood stains on Kiki's shirt made it seems worse than it really was, guilt crept up your spine looking at it.

Before Mitsuhide could respond Ryun stepped forward with his arms outstretched, "I know- I know how to treat and bandage sword wounds." He glanced at you, "I'll carry her to the medical ward." He said in a shaky voice

Shuka stepped in front of him, "I don't think that the best idea," Ryuu narrowed his eyes at  Shuka, "Remember what happened last time?"

"Shuka, you have no reason to worry about this." Ryuu's attitude caught you by surprise

"Ryuu, you should just let a man do it."

F-ing morons you thought, IM the doctor your kingdom requested. Let me just do it myself.
Boys stressed you out. You pushed out of Mitsuhide's grasp, "I'll walk. Thank you very much."

All Ryuu, Shuka, and Mitsuhide opened their mouths to call out to you, but you were already inside the castle, ignoring every word each of them said.

You found your way into the medical ward Ryuu mentioned by asking the soldiers you passed in the long stone halls. None seemed too concerned of your condition surprisingly, but you didn't question why or why not.

Just like every other room in the castle you had to push open a large wooden door. As you did so, you were greeted with Ryuu reaching to open the door as well from the inside.

His cheeks flushed as he stepped back, looking down, "Hi."

"Uh hey," you mumbled waiting for him to move. Whenever he didn't you spoke again, "I need to bandage my arm."

You saw the tips of his ears turn a bright shade of red, "Of course, I'm sorry," he said as he moved out of the door way.

You quickly found the bandages that were laid out on the table located in the center of the room, beside the exact medication you needed to put on the wound to avoid infection. Did Ryuu put this out for you?

You easily put the cream on, the slight sting didn't bother you too much, but the wrapping was the hard part. You struggled with bandages with two good hands, but now you only had your one hand which happened to be your less dominant hand as well.

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