7 - Look At Your Kingdoms

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"Y/n?" The chair beside you squeaked as a body sat down in it

You hummed in response, your eyes not leaving the page you were on. You sat exhausted and worried in the common room, only because the infirmary was closed to visitors.

"What are you working on?"

You glanced up and met Shirayuki's curious stare before looking back down at the page, "Notes we- Ryuu, I mean," you paused, "Notes Ryuu took from Laxdo."

She titled the page so she could see it, pausing before continuing to talk, "I tried to get Kiki to come down here and talk to you, but Zen insisted he needed her," you turned in your seat to look at Shirayuki, "Zen decided that he want you to come with him when we confronts Prince Izana,"


She put her hand up in a mock surrender, "Listen, it wasn't my decision and I tried to convince him not to-"

"You tried to convince him not to let me go?!" You were angry. Not at Shirayuki, but Prince Izana.. well maybe a little bit at Shirayuki.
You wanted to confront him.
You wanted to make him pay.
God, you didn't even know if Ryuu was going to be okay and they had the audacity to think or argue that you weren't going to be there to see the terror in his eyes as he realizes he's been caught.
And that you were alive.

Shirayuki's face flustered, "I just thought you wouldn't.. I mean, I certainly don't want to confront another prince that has tried to kill me,"

You looked away, conflicted with anger and pity

"But.. it's also not my boyfriend who's in the infirmary," she said slowly

You looked at her, "He's not my-"

The common room doors slammed open, making both you and Shirayuki jump. A white coated man stood panting for a second before his head shot up.

"Come quickly! Ryuu stopped breathing!"

And then everything was a blur, you didn't have enough time to think about crying as the three of you rushed down the hall.
It felt like everything was going in slow motion, like you couldn't run fast enough.
You didn't hear the infirmary doors crash as you scattered inside the room or Garak's silent pleads.

Garak stood over Ryuu's body preforming CPR as tears streamed down her face. You fell to your knees, so much for a doctor you thought.
The other courts rushed in and out, staring as they passed you but you didn't notice.

Arms suddenly gripped around you, lifting you off the floor. You wanted to fight and scream, but your shoulders just shook as they carried you out the room. You knew it was Kiki. But for once you wished it was someone else, you wished it was someone willing to take you away. Someone able to erase your memory so that you had never known Ryuu, Someone able to make this hopelessness stop.
You wished it had been you to get sick.

Kiki held you for a long while as you cried, sitting on the floor outside the infirmary.
They locked the doors as they assisted Ryuu, meaning Shirayuki couldn't give you any updates or news.
Leaving your mind to go wild.

It felt like hours had passed before Zen showed up. He paused in front of you and Kiki, silently taking in your red eye'd sight. The tears had stopped falling like waterfalls and instead leaked like an old faucet.
Zen and Kiki exchanged silent glances before she shifted to stand up.

She put a hand on your head, an awkward sign of affection, "I have to go, but I'll check on you before nightfall."

They both turned to leave, "It is Prince Izana?" You asked silently

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