3 - Dawn

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"Kiki, be careful for the roots!"

She grumbled as she pulled the bundle of weed-look-a-likes up, "You micromanage more than Zen," You faked a shocked face as Kiki turned towards you, "Where do we put these?"

You nodded your head towards the fort, "Submerge them in water. We need to get back to the castle by nightfall tomorrow,"

She nodded and began walking back to the fort with you trailing behind her.
A fear sickening hope coated your stomach as you matched Kiki's walking pace.

Her blonde hair slowly fell out of her ponytail with every step she took.
Once she got to the front entrance she turned towards you and the resemblance made you fumble with your steps.
With her hair down, she looked almost identical to the Queen of Seiranna, her mother. Well, also yours..
How had you not noticed before? Her thin nose, sharp eyes, and blonde hair.

You tried to picture yourself, to fit yourself in with family of Seirans. You guessed you looked similar to the King, but many differences popped up between the two of you.

Kiki went to the large kitchen whilst you went to the back room you had been in before. The one with the man with the green eyes.

As you approached the doors two men stood laughing before seeing you. Once they did, they immediately straightened up and cleared their throats.

"Y/n Serian, you may not enter this room by the orders of Prince Zen!"

You stared at him, "Move."

Neither of them moved and instead exchanged looks of worrisome.
You heard footsteps behind you and turned around, there stood no other than Prince Zen. His lips formed a straight line that rested on his face.

He put a hand on your unhurt shoulder, "There is something we need to talk about,"

You hesitantly followed as he guided you throughout the halls into an empty office. Completely with a desk with one chair, and two chairs on the other side of it.

Zen pushed a chair towards you and sat in the one across from you, his dull look still plastered on his face, "Kiki told you about Shirayuki's letter, I assume?"

You nodded slowly

Zen paused, and looked out the window, "Tell me what you know,"

You explained what she had said about Ryuu's fever and immune system. When you finished, Zen's expression became more relaxed.

"Good, so she didn't tell you."

"Tell me what?" You got up from your seat and looked down at him

His eyes strained against yours, "Youll flee back to the castle if I tell you."

"And what if I already am planning?"

He looked away, "Shirayuki requested you go back immediately." Zen's eyes flickered to yours, "She's losing hope."

Moisture flooded in your vision as you sat back down. Zen opened his mouth, but you had already spoken, "I found a herb that can help."

"I cannot let you go back to the castle by yourself. Your father would murder me if anything happened to you,"
Hearing Zen speak in such formal languages made you unsettled, his usual charismatic self was gone.

You pointed at your arm, "As if, nothing has already happened. I'm going back Zen, with or without you." You pushed your chair back and started towards the door

"The man that did that," you stopped, "He won't talk to us. He requested to talk to you only,"

You sighed as you turned back around, "Why me?"

"He will not tell us who he is. He keeps repeating that you already know," Zen stood and opened the door behind you, "We must go now if you wish to reach the castle before nightfall."

Your lips tugged at the corners, the first time you had felt yourself smile in a long time, "You're letting me go?"

Zen nodded, "I didn't really have a choice, did I?" He gave you a small smile, "Kiki will accompany you back. Mitsuhide and I will take care of everything here."

You nodded, whilst dreading the ride with Kiki. Her stubborn attitude was directly connected to yours making disagreements hard and complicated. And to find out she was your sister made matters more complicated.

Zen touched your well shoulder as he stopped you in front of the door, "Are you ready?"

You nodded before pushing the door open yourself.

The big built man sat with his ankles bound in front of him. His arms were behind his back, also bound, as he leaned slightly forward.
A disgusting smile curved his face as he looked at you like candy to a toddler.

"Welcome back Princess," his green eyes glimmered, sending shivers up your spine.

"Who are you? A runaway criminal? A mad man?" You paced in front of him, "Or simply an idiot?"

You heard Mitsuhide shuffled towards you, but Zen stopped him.

The man spit at your feet, "You don't recognize me?" He laughed at your confused expression, "No? What about if I say bandits."

You sucked in air as you tried to keep your composure. You looked between Zen and Mitsuhide they both were looking at each other.

The man laughed once again, catching your eyes within his recognizable green ones, "Ah, there we go. You're little friends here in the fort Zen," the bandit said his name as if it was venom in his mouth, "are quite stupid. Believing my sappy story."

"That's enough!" Zen stepped forward and flicked his hand towards the bandit, signaling Mitsuhide to put the cloth back in his mouth, "Y/n prepare with Kiki, you ride at Dawn." He looked towards you, "You have to hurry, your time is running out."

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