15 - Sucessfully Avoiding Responsibilty

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He nodded before put his finger to his chin, "I didn't mean to unsettle you in any way." You nodded, "Didn't you want to talk to Shuka?"

"Shuka, yes, you're right." You turned on your heel, "Uh, wanna come with?"

He hesitantly nodded as you both rushed to your bed room. By the time you got there, Shuka had fled.

You blew a strand of hair out of your face, scanning your room. Nothing seemed out of place until you walked over to the desk. A small group of flowers were bundle together with your mother's ring wrapped around it.
You picked them up, pulling the ring off of them and back on your finger.

"Pink tulips," Ryuu mumbled before grabbing them from you, "They're out of season, where did he get them from?" He looked at you

"You think Shuka left them?" You raised your eyebrows, anyone could have left flowers at your desk, "I don't know where to find out of season flowers."

"Has anyone else shown romantic interest in you then?" Ryuu responded bluntly

"I'm sorry what?" You tried to grab the flowers, but Ryuu held them over your head. You would have admired him in that moment, but a dull look covered his features.

"Pink tulips are a way to symbolize interest in someone, but he put a ring around yours," he looked away in thought, "I guess that would symbolize marriage." He handed you back the tulips slowly

You were in utter shock, 15 wasn't an unheard of age to get married but you weren't interested in SHUKA of all people.

"You have to help me avoid Shuka for the rest of my time here."

Ryuu looked surprised, "Why? Don't you like him? I mean you put the ring on."

You could have gagged in that moment but you did not, "This is my mother's!" You showed it to him, his features settled in a quizzical look, "and no! I most certainly do not like Shuka. In fact, I slapped him earlier."

"You slapped him?" Ryuu said shocked, but he smiled, making your focus undoubtedly fully turn to him, "What for? You don't have to answer if you don't feel comfortable." He added quickly

"He tried to make a move on me," You pointed to the door, "he pushed me up against there and yeah."

Ryuu nodded staring at the door. You now admired his lengthy figure and would gladly allow him to slam you against the door but you pretended that you did not think that.

You were leaving tomorrow, Shirayyuki should have finished all of the medicine for the men by then. Thinking of which, the medicine she gave you really did cure whatever you had really fast. Don't get it wrong, you did sometimes feel a little groggy, but you weren't going to faint. You wondered what herbs she used in it, making a mental note to ask her later.

You continue to pack your bags, while mildly chatting with Ryuu.

"What are we going to start with whenever we arrive at Clarines?"

He walked over to the window and sat down at the desk, "I have to plant some Roka Fruit before the annual harvest. While planting them in the greenhouse I'll go over the basics of herbs for a easy start. And of course you'll help plant them."

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