8 - Piter Pater

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What's up? How have y'all been?
I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving!

You mumbled sleepily as you felt someone shake your shoulder, "Stop Ryuu," you slurred with a small smile. It had been a good night in your opinion and you didn't want to stop dreaming. You could get used to waking up every morning beside Ryuu.

The shaking continued, "Usually I would be jumping with joy if I heard that," your eyes shot open, "But unfortunately, this is not the case." Garak whispered

Garak stood over you with a soft smile on her lips, she wrapped her arms around her white coat as you sat up.

"Did something happen? Where's Ryuu?" You tried to wipe the sleep from your eyes but only ended up reddening them. Why was Garak in your room?

Garak nodded slowly as she put a hand behind her head, "I guess I should have planned how to tell you this," she mumbled, "Um okay, I'm just going to.. well, say it."

You nodded hesitantly. Curiosity and anticipation biting at your insides.

She took a deep breath, "The flower Prince Izana gave you," Your eyes flickered to your bedside where the flower used to lay, "It had poisonousness fumes in it and," she drifted off

No Ryuu.
No flower.
Now you were anxious.

"Where's Ryuu, Garak?" You began to get up but she held your shoulders back

"He got sick. All the Court Herbalists are with him and Zen is- is going.."

"Going to do what?" You tried to pushed her hands away, "Let me go!"

She loosened her grasp giving you enough time to slip out from in front of her.
"Where is he?"

She was silent, "Let me walk with you."

The walk was agonizingly silent. You wanted her to explain and give you answers, but every time you asked a question she shook her head. Her lines in her forehead depended with every step you took making you think of countless scenarios that made you want to vomit.

She stopped in front of the Common Room, taking you by surprise

"Why is he in the Common Room? Why not the infirmary?"

Garak stood with her hands on the door handles, looking down, "We only found him half an hour ago,"

You hesitated before putting your hands on hers, "He's going to be okay, right?"

"Yeah," she faltered, "Yeah he's going to be okay," she said as if trying to reassure herself as well

Garak opened the doors and everyones head shot towards you.
Shirayuki stood over Ryuu who was laying on the center table. He was unconscious and still in the clothes he wore to bed.
Mitsuhide and Kiki stood by the fireplace along with two other men. The men hauled firewood in bags before throwing the bags over their shoulder.
3 other Court Herbalists stood at Garak's desk with opened books and notes.

You slowly began to walk towards Ryuu. Everyone's eyes crept with your moving figure. Usually, this would have made you uncomfortable but within the circumstances, you only cared about Ryuu. You stood in front of the table, watching his silently but struggled breathing.

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