12 - A Guide on Respecting All, but Trusting Few

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GARAK SMILED AS YOU walked into the pharmaceutical common room, "Good morning Y/n- oh what's the matter?"

There was a lot the matter.
You hadn't gotten ready that morning other than throwing on some of Kiki's clothes which made your appearance seem dreadful.
After overthinking for the past two nights you had barely gotten any sleep, leaving your eyes tired and hair a mess.
Along with the occasional throbbing of your arm, studying seemed impossible so it wasn't like you could use your sleepless night for anything good.
You felt miserable.

Ryuu smiled at you as you sat down beside him, he looked no better than you did. The bags under his eyes had gotten darker, you wondered what was keeping him up at night?

"I think it's getting infected again," you sighed as you laid your bandaged arm in front of him.

Ryuu silently took the bandages off, "You're right. Garak do you have the medicine at your desk?"

Garak dramatically sighed as she opened the drawer behind her, "I'll have to go make some more cream for it," she winked at you, "Looks like I'll just have to get Shirayuki to help me too." She began to walk out, ignoring your confused glare, "So she won't be coming in here..-any time soon." She added the last part quickly before slipping out the door.

Ryuu looked at you, "Any idea what that was about?"

"No idea." You said quickly hiding your blush with your good arm

He stared at you a moment longer before looking back in his book, a light smile danced on his lips making you blush a deeper color.

You sat in silence before Garak came back, she helped Ryuu reapply and wrap your arm, teaching him a more effect way of wrapping which you agreed felt better.

Garak winked at you every time Ryuu wasn't looking, which only received her a glare from you. 

"I want you to start studying true medical herbs," Ryuu said as he placed a few short papers in front of you, "Shirayuki recommended I start with Spellamiso. It's an edible herb that can reduce fevers and soothe pain whenever it's roots are steamed and dried,"

You yawned as he placed another paper in front of you, "Then Rainbow Leaf, and Shiranagi Plant," he added softly

"Got it," you said as you put the 3 papers into a stack. You were too tired to feel overwhelmed.

"We're going to plant the roka fruit today. Did you notice anything about the weather while you were walking here?" Ryuu asked as he stood up

You thought back to you walking, but you hadn't gone to an outside hallway during that time, "I haven't been outside to see."

"Oh," He grabbed a jacket, "We can only plant roka fruit while is cold outside or it'll sprout sideway instead of straight up. This usually wouldn't be a problem but we're planting them in the green house so they need to look uniform," Ryuu turned towards Garak, "Do you have a jacket Y/n could wear?"

Garak smiled mischievously while half-ass looking for a spare jacket, her being so obvious made you blush, "Oh no, looks like I don't have a spare one in here." As Ryuu turned away Garak flung 3 overthrows and jackets under her desk. Your eyes widened as she chucked to herself.

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