19 - Maybe This Was a Bad Idea

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SHIRAYYUKI LEAD YOU TO the room with all the ill men. It was breath taking... no literally you couldn't breathe. You had only every served one family your whole life, the Royal Family, one that had riches and lavishes, only the best equipment and medicine could be used for them. You had everything you needed in front of you at your home castle.
But here, you had only what Shirayyuki brought and what the castle provided.

The number of sick men was overwhelming. They all were pale, sweaty, and burning up.
You walked by one man, cringing as coughed up a thick red liquid, blood.
Internal bleeding towards the stomach area? Was it Heavy irritation to the throat? Nose bleed that went down his throat? That would be from sensitive sinuses, are they breathing in something irritating or is this a virus that directly attacked the sinuses and lungs?

You hardened your features as Ryuu quickly walked over to stand on the other side of Shirayyuki,"Has anyone died?" You asked softly.
You felt slightly overwhelmed.

Ryuu shook his head, "Close to death, but recovered enough to keep living." He said in a small voice.
You noticed his fidgetting hands. Ink smears and notes were written on his palms, some of the notes were written all the way up his left arm. His right hand had less writing, you assumed that's the hand he wrote with.

"Right," you continued walking to the other side of the large room, and took a seat by the fire, "What can I do to assist you right now? Obviously keep notes, but what else? I'm really no help until we get more information. Right now I think it made be a virus attacking their lungs and sinus cavities. Since none of you have gotten it yet I doubt it's air transferred."

"Keep the fire going and keep a wet cloth on the men at all times," Shirayyuki said as she followed you.

You felt out of place, you had only "healed" a few people. The King and his wife, and a few of their close relatives. That's it. But now, it was your duty to help, 30, 40, maybe 70 men.

"Make sure not to touch the men as much as you can. Whenever you do wash your hands immediately after. Don't touch your eyes, ears, nose, or mouth unless you want to end up like them." You said loudly so everyone could hear you.

You took a deep breath, astonished by the amount of sickness in one room, it was horrible. Flames of anxiety licked at your stomach, creating a burning sensational throughout your limbs.
You pushed your worrisome's aside and got to work. Quickly putting your hair into a low pony tail and rolling up your long sleeves, you hummed as you began to write down the newer symptoms of each man.

Little did you know, about the blue eyes watching you.

_ _ _

You sat by the fire resting your head on the stone boarder as Shirayyuki put another cloth on a mans head.
You could physically feel the dark bags under your eyes. You had taken 3 power naps before getting back to work, each time you woke up feeling more tired than before.
You closed your eyes and tried to slow down your breathing but it felt suffocating.

You sighed, it was useless. You looked at the ground to see a small rat.
Rats and coach roaches and every other disgusting animal found itself home in the small stone castle. You often found yourself bothered by the company of rats whilst Mitsuhide purposely called them to him to make you squirm. You couldn't tell if you found Mitsuhide funny or just simply annoying.

You waved your hand at it, "Shoo," It didn't move, you placed your hand in front of it, glaring harshly. "Shoo," you repeated, only for it to bite you, drawing a little bit of blood.

"Ow." You snatched your hand to your chest, "that hurt like a-" the rat ran away, hurrying to bother somebody else.

(I wanted to add myself in the story so I made myself the rat. You're welcome for my presence)

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