5 - In Your Hesitation I Found My Answer

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The truth of the matter was not that you didn't know the answer, but simply you did not want to admit.
You refused to acknowledge the questions of the other Court Herbalists and ignored your piercing thoughts until you had been seated on your black mane.

The seriousness of the situation did not hit you until you had passed the forest line. The scariest feeling was not that you were going to confront a murder, but that you felt nothing at all. It's quite repetitive, the enormous feelings and then feeling nothing at all. But so is life and death, and time does not discriminate between your values and emotions.

Zen was uncharacteristically serious the whole ride. You assumed he was worried about Shirayuki staying at the castle with Prince Izana. Though, Obi was there with her, it gave him little peace of mind.
Mitsuhide gave Kiki reassuring smiles throughout the trip. He even attempted small talk with her, but she quickly shut him down. He then resorted to a deathly silence, leaving everyone to their own thoughts. Perhaps that was worse than his failed attempts at conversation.
Kiki stayed close to you, despite the argument of your horses, until you reached the end of the forest and emerged only few miles away from the fort.

The question haunted your dreams the previous night. Ryuu was not getting better, so why did you feel the need to go to the fort?
His time was ticking, your time with him was counting down.

So why did you wake up that morning refusing to eat breakfast? Only to go down to his curtained room and apologize to his sleeping body. Why did you listen to his shallow breathes as tears trickled down your face and still decided to leave? You kissed him on the cheek and then left the castle, pushing all your tears away and only thinking of one thing.

"We'll enter through the back of the fort. The horses will make too much noise so we'll leave them right up there," he pointed to an area hidden by tree's up ahead, "Then Mitsuhide will go in through the front and explain the situation to the men that are unaware. This will have given us enough time to barricade all the entrances. Any questions?"

Kiki nodded, "How will we know all the men are in the fort when we're barricading the doors?"

"We won't." Zen continued riding and everyone followed

To be honest, you all were pulling this plan out of your asses. There were many questions but no one wasted time asking them, you simply had to trust each other. And hope that was enough.

The group and Mitsuhide parted ways as you walked to the back of the fort in stealth. Your heart pounded in your chest as Zen opened the door and rushed you and Kiki inside before closing it behind him.
You could hear Mitsuhide's commanding voice echo throughout the hall that connected to the room.

Kiki and Zen barricaded the entrance door as you talked, "Prince Izana said the flowers were from this fort and from someone named Sue," you sighed, "But if no one is named Sue.." you faded off

"Did you make anyone mad while we were at the fort then?" Zen asked as he pushed a chair

You shook your head.

"The letter," Kiki froze, "Maybe not at the fort, but maybe at the castle," she looked at you, eyes wide.

Before you could respond, footsteps echoed closer to you.

"Prince Zen? What are you doing here?"

You all turned to find a bowed Shuka. Kiki instantly stood up and push you behind her, putting a hand on her hilt.

Zen walked in front of her, "Mitsuhide is in the entrance explaining everything," he said calmly, perhaps trying to soothe the fearfulness in Shuka's eyes.

Shuka nodded slowly, glancing at you, the barricaded entrance, and then Kiki before turning back around.

Zen looked at her, "Shuka?"

She opened her mouth but faltered, "I don't know, but he's our only guess. It won't hurt to question him,"

_ _ _

"IT WASN'T ME!! I swear on my life!" Shuka grabbed the bottom on your dress as tears streamed down his face.

You look at Zen who looked at confused as you did. You tried to back away, but he wasn't budging, "Shuka," he sniffled, "Stand up,"

Shuka paused before shuffling his way to his feet. He bowed, "I would never ever imagine doing something like that," he searched your face for an answer, "You don't believe me do you?" When no one responded he started to cry some more.

Zen sighed, "You are a suspect, yes. But you have complied and answered all of our questions."

Shuka bower once again this time facing Zen, "Thank you for you curtsy,"

You all stood in silence, deep in thought. Kiki stayed in front of you as she shifted her weight from foot to foot.

"Are there any new arrivals to the fort?" You looked at Zen, "If so, they could have some prejudice against the crown for various unknown reasons."

Kiki nodded in agreement.

Zen looked at Shuka who was wiping his tears, "New arrivals?" Shuka looked at the ground in thought, "Oh, there is one. He arrived after you cleared the bandits."

Mitsuhide nodded at Zen as he took Shuka to find the new arrival.

Kiki let out a deep breath once Shuka left the room and leaned against the wall, "I think it's still Shuka. He was mad you didn't meet him-"

"-and so he tried to kill me?" You interrupted, "It just doesn't make sense, how would he even get to the castle? Prince Izana said there was suspicious activity on the castle grounds."

"All of the other soldiers reported that Shuka has stayed on the fort grounds since the fire incident," Zen commented

Kiki tried to hide her frustration but it was a failed attempt. Even Mitsuhide became irritable with time which was very unlike his characteristics.

An hour passed before Shuka and Mitsuhide came back, but whenever they did, behind them walked a tall bulky man. He sagged his head showing only his tamed brown hair.

Shuka's hands trembled as Mitsuhide closed the door behind them, "This is Moe. We found him passed out just outside the fort grounds during patrol,"

Moe slowly lifted his head up, his slight dimples and crooked nose where not what catch your attention, but his green eyes. They looked so familiar.

"Have we met before?" You asked, stepping closer to him

"That we have, princess," he smiled before slashing a dagger down your shoulder.

A yell got caught in your throat as Kiki pushed you behind her.

"Don't touch my sister!"

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