14 - The Threads of Change

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Omg I just got done with the new cover!! How does it look?

YOU HAD BEEN IN Clarines for a few week and within those few weeks you have already learned so much about the kingdom and the people within it.

For starters, Ryuu sleeps under his fucking desk which you thought was insane, and as you are a doctor, quite unhealthy. Throughout the few weeks Ryuu had gotten somewhat closer to you. You two were still awkward as ever, but at least you could have a conversation without turning red.
Garak constantly overworks herself (you've noticed Ryuu does the same too) and is a big fan of alcohol.

Herbalists know a lot more than you thought they did, most of the time they simply memorized different "formula's" for different medicines in cases of emergencies. For example, there's the group that specializes in flesh wounds, the group that specializes in viruses, the group that specializes in diseases and etc. Ryuu, Shirayuki and Garak were the exceptions because they were the mentors for the newbies.
Thankfully, your only job was the learn the basics.

You were sitting beside Ryuu in Garak's office, taking notes as he went over the Roka fruit which he planned on planting soon, "You have to be careful while picking them, the fumes they give off produce symptoms similar to whenever you drink alcohol," he said as he shoved the open book in front of you, "Look."

A picture of a grape like fruit, except it had 4 seeds in the shape of a flower. It was shown on the left page along with different varieties of the same fruit in different climates. He pointed to the first one, it looked the most healthiest.

You looked up hearing Garak speak, "It most've been hard on you,"

Shirayyuki smiled, kindly at her words, "It wasn't so bad," she took a sip of her fresh brewed tea, "Luckily Prince Zen, Ryuu, Y/n and the soldiers at Fort Laxdo were very helpful,"

Ryuu glanced up after hearing his name, his brown hair swayed slightly to the left showing the specks of freckles on his forehead.

Garak looked down, "Well, you should be proud of your work," she ruffled through different papers, almost spilling ink over them

"Yeah," Ryuu nodded, "Really good job there."

Ryuu seemed more comfortable with Shirayyuki than you. You didn't allow yourself to think too much of it but a hint of jealous tickled your ribs every time he complimented her.

You smiled at her, not knowing any good way of saying 'good job' without sounding like it was for just because everyone else said it

Garack walked towards Shirayyuki, "You can take the rest of the day off."
Shirayyuki took a sip of tea, only to struggled to swallow it, "I shouldn't, Ryuu and everyone is still working,"

Garack smiled, "You know what," she looked at Ryuu, "It's been a while since you've had a day off too."

Ryuu looked up from his paper he was writing in shock, "What?"

"Getting rest is an important, too." You smiled, "The average adult needs to get at least 9 hours of a sleep a night."

"As you wish." Shirayuki said, beaming at you

Ryuu continued to do the paper work, eagerly ignoring Garak's wishes, "You love giving doctor facts, huh?"

You rolled your eyes, "What do you not understand about 'taking the day off'?" You asked as you slid the papers away from him.

His eyes widened slightly as he quietly reached to get the papers back.

"Why so serious?" You laughed but Ryuu didn't return it

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