17 - The Climax of an Idiot

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I dislocated my knee so chapter publishing will be slower this week. I literally stepped out and my knee said "😙✌️😌"

You weren't half sure what you did wrong. Does he not have any family? What about his friends?
Questions raced through your head and you could not answer even one. You felt like an idiot.

You sighed, you have to make this right... but how? You've never been in this situation.
Do you just right up apologize? Do you ease into it? Do you just say nothing and act like you didn't just ruin any type of relationship with him?
What relationship?
You had just met him, maybe you were friends with him.. or maybe not.

You sighed in frustration.

You quickly got up, took a few steps to make sure you weren't going to faint again. As soon as you realized you weren't going to you went straight into a sprint. You knew you had to apologize to Ryuu, but first you had to find him.

You suddenly went into a halt when someone stopped in front of you.
You took a few steps back, to see Kiki. She half smiled at you.

She didn't even wait for you to steady yourself before she started talking, "You can't go off fighting bandits in that," she said as her eyes travel around the gown.

"Fighting bandits?" You looked up at her, "I'm sorry what?" You felt a spike of excitement at the mention of bandits but the urge to find Ryuu over took that

"We're going to the bandits base. I have to get you dressed in proper clothing." She said as she began walking in the opposite direction, "C'mon,"

"Woah wait Kiki," you hurried beside her, "About that, I really have something I need to handle here and you know, I've been sick so I don't think that's the best idea."

She stopped in place, "What happened to miss "I'm helping"?" She questioned, "Zen's already made arrangements for you to come anyway. You've been stuck in that castle all your life    Y/n." She started walking again, "It's healthy to get some real world experiences."

You were baffled, "Real world experiences?! Fighting bandits is not what the average person does weekly."

"Well lucky for you, you are not doing any fighting."

_ _ _

You looked down at your legs, covered by the tightest and darkest, piece of clothing you could ever imagine. Just standing still made your legs feel like jello.
You looked up at Kiki as she was looking through both your clothes and hers.

"This is a little tight," you said sarcastically, she smiled slightly digging through a pile of her clothes.

She chuckled as she picked up a grayish top, "This will do," she said as she tossed it to you, you caught it with your dominant hand, "it's my favorite, don't mess it up."

You nodded.

She then got out your brown boots and tossed those to you too. Which you caught with your other hand.
You quickly put them on, struggling to even move your legs.

She nodded at you with a smirk, impressed, "Let's go."

"Kiki," you looked at the window, "I really have to do something first-"

She interrupted "Y/n, those bandits aren't going to stay in one place for long. We have to go now. I'm sorry," she said as you nodded, you can just apologize went you get back, right?

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