11 - Hopeful In The Absence Of A Promise

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I just got lead on by a guy for 3 months and he hit me with a "I don't see a future with you" after talking about dating me for 30 minutes before hand 😃🤚


Why he was all you could think about now was beyond you, and why you felt so drawn to tell him was another question you could not answer, but answers you did not need right now.
Your boots hit the concrete walk ways like rain drops hitting glass. Your whole wardrobe was basically all of Kiki's old clothes and shoes were no exception. Her heavy boots were made for battle, not walking around a castle but you didn't complain. At least they looked good on you.

You ran into the library. No Ryuu
Medical Ward. Not here
Garak's office. Not there
You stopped in your bedroom to change clothes, dirt and sweat filled them. You quickly tossed the flower on your bedside before heading back into the main castle.

There was only one more place you could think of him to be, his own office.
And there he was, sitting at his desk working diligently as ever. Papers were scattered on the floor along with open books and spilled ink.


He looked up at you, surprised to say the least but he cleared his expression almost instantly, "Yes Y/n?"

"I was summon by Prince Izana,"
You then proceed to tell him everything he said to you, strategically leaving out the end part but still giving him an overview of the situation.

"He's going to try to trade Shirayuki?"
Ryuu's shocked expression seemed outside his range of emotion. His shyness was slowly dissolving around you and you loved it.

You nodded your head eagerly, "He claimed he wasn't but it sounds a lot like trading to me!"

"Have you told Zen?" Ryuu asked after pausing for a moment

"No, I came straight here."

He started fidgeting with his finger. Ryuu wore a short sleeved shirt today, showing off all the writing on his left hand. Small veins popped out as he fiddled with his fingers as a result of anxiety, "Prince Raji arrives soon, we won't have enough time."

"He's coming to Clarines today?!"

_ _ _

"Stop," you took a deep breath as sweat dribbling down your cheek, "Please stop,"
The short and shallow breathes you were taking didn't help the increasing of pressure around your lungs.

The maid giggled, "Honey, it's just a corset. All ladies have to wear it."

"I'm not a lady."

_ _ _

You walked down the grand staircase in your long pale yellow dress. The only reason you had to wear a damn corset and dress was because Prince Izana requested it. That asshole. He did it to embarrass you and you knew it.

You looked at all of the people. They all got dressed up because some (idiotic) price arrived. The prince from Tabruran had come to "deepen" his friendship with Zen. Which you knew was a lie.

Once you made it down the long, dreading, staircase. Your eyes quickly scanned and searched for the figure of the blue eyed boy.
Luckily, as you walked around a bit you found Kiki, Mitsuhide, and Ryuu together talking-.. or should you say, Kiki and Mitsuhide were talking. Ryuu was standing beside them listening. Every once in a while he would looked away, searching for a few seconds before looking back at them.

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