18 - This Was Definitely a Bad Idea

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Y'all there was this guy on among us I gave my insta to because his personality was really cute. And his friend DM'ed me, through his friend's insta account I found his friend's phone # AND email, where they were from and the specific area they were in. Moral of the story, please please please be careful on what you post on social media because stalkers like me will find it

YOU GROANED AS YOU sat up from the bed. Sun rays spilled into the small bedroom, shining right into your eyes. The light scattered across the floor and danced up the walls, creating a beautiful yet annoying scene because it hurt your eyes.

Your throat was sore from yesterday and you felt bruising on your back from where you were dropped by Ryuu. Heavy tiredness dragging your body lower into the bed, you would later learn you were in and out of consciousness for 2 and half days

You looked down to see you were in a light purple silk night grown with a small bow on the trim of it.
"What the actual flip is this?" You tugged and gown, gazing upon the expensive fabric. You pushed covers off of you and put your bare feet on the wood floor. Just doing that action made blood rush to your head. You grasped the frame of the bed, to steady yourself as you got up. Your back pain had soothed, you assumed you may have minorly pulled a muscle.

You stiffened, as a thought pop into your mind. Who had put you in this nightgown? You suddenly had to sit back down, because once again, the blood seemed to rush to your head.

You grabbed the wall steadying yourself as you stood up. One foot then the other. Step by step, you made it to the door.

You took a deep breath, this was going to be a long walk.

_ _ _

As you were heading to the main room you were Zen's voice coming from outside.

You quickly walked to the door as fast as you could go in your condition.
You moved your hair from around your ear as you laid your head on the door, listening to what he was saying.

"Bandits," Zen said, not shocked at all.

"Apparently, there's a group in the area." Mitsuhide added

You opened the door, "Where are they located?" Excitement and adrenaline ran through your veins, the minor pains and throbbing were now non existent as you listened steadily for the plan.

They all turned their heads to you.

Zen chuckled "You're supposed to be resting," he said, you ignored him.

You looked behind Zen to see a new figure.
You pointed at him, "Who's that?"

The person hoped down from the ledge he was crouched on, "Obi, Little Miss. At your service," he said while bowing, with a cheeky grin.

You examined him, his black hair barely poked out the hat, he wore semi good quality clothing, as well, "I don't trust him," you murmured under your breath.

Zen smiled reassuringly, "You should be going back to bed, we'll handle the bandits."

So, far you have done nothing other than faint and get bitten by a dumb rat. Thinking of that you looked at your hand, you hadn't realized it had been bandaged up.

You looked back up "I'm helping," You said, they all looked at you a slightly shocked expression on there faces except for Kiki. She was deep in thought, maybe not even listening to the conversation everyone was having.

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