10 - Oh Shit

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Hello all.
I'm servrely stressed and depressed and don't know how to spell severly but here's a chapter lol

Laughing and chatter rang through the main ballroom as you enter through the largest entrance right behind Zen and Prince Raji.

You had come to the conclusion Shirayuki was not, in fact, going to get traded. Unfortunately for you, this meant you had no earthly idea what Prince Izana's motives were nor his end goal.

You instantly reformed your group with Ryuu, Mitsuhide, and Kiki once finding them, filling them in on everything you heard. Ryuu also mentioned Obi made him leave soon after you had left, leaving both of you blind to as of what was said to Zen that you weren't allowed to know.

Prince Izana's voice echoed through the room, causing your group to turn to face him. He was beside Prince Raji, laughing with a glass of wine in his hand.

"That seems a little forced, doesn't it?" Mitsuhide said

You all nodded as he whispered something to Prince Raji, making him turn and make eye contact with you. His eyes widened before he began to (somewhat) confidently walk over.

Instinctively, you leaned closer to Ryuu, who this time did not move away, but lightly placed his hand at the small of your back. A sign of reassurance that you greatly appreciated.

Once he got to you, he bowed, taking you aback even more.

"M'lady, I apologize greatly for my disrespect. I was unaware of your," he looked up slightly, "social status. That was, until Prince Izana kindly informed me."

You hadn't realized how much attention this drew until you looked up. Prince Izana stood with a gleaming smirk on his face as all the nobles in the room curiously gathered around, murmuring to each other.

You had no idea how to respond, you opened your mouth but no words fell out. Social status?
Relief flooded you as Kiki stepped forward, "Y/n is feeling unwell. Will you excuse us?"

Prince Raji stood up, "Of course, of course. We will chat another time then!" He too, seemed relieved that the chore of first impressions was over with.

Mitsuhide moved in front of Ryuu, blocking him from following you as Kiki guided you out of the ballroom.

She guided you through many halls and tight chambers and still no end seemed to be in sight, "Where are we going?"

"Anywhere without people."

You nodded, her tone of voice was serious, giving you a warning to not say anything further.

When you finally arrived to the pharmacy common room Kiki quickly pushed you in before shutting the door. You stumbled before catching yourself on a chair, "What was that for?"

"I don't want anyone to follow us." Kiki responded as she sat in the chair across from you, "Y/n, I want you to know this is isn't how I wanted you to find out."

Your pulse quickened as the anticipation of the unknown bit at your ribs, "Find out what? And what was that in there?"

"First, you should know that I told Zen Izana's plan. He's going to handle that situation along with Prince Raji,"

You nodded for her to continue but she didn't.
Instead she pulled a folded piece of paper out of her pants pocket and handed it to you.

"A picture?" You asked as you straightened the raggedy paper out. Kiki nodded while staring at your face, waiting for a reaction.

You recognized it, it was the picture that was sticking out of Ryuu's files on you. The King and Queen of Serianna stood beside each other, behind a tall wooden chair. In the chair sat two girls, an obvious age difference as one was a child and the other a toddler. The toddler sat in the smiling child's lap, gripping the side of the chair.

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