10k Special

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"What are you smiling about?" You giggled as Ryuu hid his face with a book. His brown hair stuck out in various directions as you had played with it only moments before

You both sat in his office supposedly studying but everyone knew you both would get off subject.


He peaked his blue eyes over the book.

"Why are you smiling?" You tried to move the book from his grasp but he held on too tightly

"Do you really want to know?"

You nodded eagerly as he turned the book around to you.

"Look," he pointed to a picture of a flower, "This is called a foxglove and it's extremely poisonous." He smiled whilst watching your reaction, "Every part of it is poisonous and if you eat it.. guess," Ryuu's smile widened as he stared at its picture. It's pink flower petal cups faced the ground in a mock remorseful state.

"It probably kills you," you readjusted yourself in your seat to see the book better.

"No, well yes. But how?" Ryuu pushed the book closer to you as if that would give you any clues.

You shrugged, but his smile convinced you to answer, "By the swelling of the throat?"

He shook his head, "No, better. After eating it, it slowly stops your heart,"

You forced a smile, "Yeahh, heart stopping flower. Definitely my idea of a good time,"

"I agree," the joke went over his head as he began writing.

A couple minutes passed before you sighed and leaned back into the chair, "Ryuu, I'm bored," he didn't respond, "Ryuu,"

He was always writing, or multitasking, or reading and whenever he became focused it was almost impossible to get his attention

You waved your hand at him, after getting no response you snatched the pencil from his hand.

He looked up at you, "Hey- Y/n!" Ryuu attempted to take it back but you dangled it over his head. If he want to, he could just stand up, but he was too busy staring at you (your smile in particular but you didn't know that)

"Acknowledge my existence," you said dramatically

Ryuu looked everywhere but you, "Did I hear someone?"

"Apparently not," you chuckled

He smiled, pulling another pencil from behind his ear and continued working.

"Are you serious?" You laughed before placing the pencil down. His smile widened, obviously listening to you, "Where did that even come from?"

A mischievous look plastered on your face as Ryuu continued writing.

"Woah Y/n-" you crawled up on his desk, "-what are you doing?" He asked, as you laid down fully, putting your head on his book.

"Hm you mean this? Oh sorry, just got tired, thought I might just take a nap," you kept a straight face but wanted to die at Ryuu's look of confusion.

He attempted to move your head, "You're going to get ink in your hair,"

"It'll wash out," you said you closed your eyes, a smile forming at the thought of Ryuu's concern

"You're beautiful," your eyes opened, "Oh- I mean-" Ryuu slapped his hand over his mouth as his cheeks pinkened.

You bursted out laughing, "Oh Ryuu that's the best joke you've said since I met you,"

He added an awkward laugh and looked away as you continued laughing, "I wasn't joking,"

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