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Kuroo was defintely exhausted from work he had been working extra hours, with the scouting of volleyball players to represent Japan, Kuroo couldn't count how many games he went to and watched just to help find the perfect players for the Olympic team he obviously didn't work alone but it was still tiring.

One perk of choosing players was that he got to actually see a lot of his old rivals and friends most of which he had lost contact with or had minimal contact with, not that it had bothered Kuroo they were professional players who had to dedicate their time to Volleyball.

Since Kuroo had met a lot of his old friends he actually got to talk to one of his best friends after Kenma of course, Bokuto whom he had shared many practice matches with in high school and would actually hang out with every so often during high school, they of course stopped talking much after high school every so often Kuroo would ask if he was doing okay but it never went further than that.

Since seeing eachother again Bokuto actually asked Kuroo to hangout, Kuroo had agreed but was now regretting his decision as he walked into his apartment exhausted Bokuto was supposed to come over to eat and drink.

Kuroo didn't have long before Bokuto was supposed to come over so as a way to not look like he had worked himself ragged Kuroo rushed to his room stripping his clothes on the way to his room as he rushed to his bathroom, he'd pick up his clothes when he got out of the shower, Kuroo took a quick shower making sure to wash his hair since it was hair wash day and of course his face and body.

Kuroo had been out of the shower fairly quickly, he dried off his body before wrapping the towel around his waist and walking into his room, figuring Bokuto wouldn't care if he wore a shirt or not Kuroo just pulled on a pair of boxers and grey sweatpants Kuroo draped the towel on his shoulders as he through his work clothes in the laundry basket checking the pockets first of course.

Kuroo had luckily timed everything perfect as his doorbell rang as soon as he stepped out of his bedroom Kuroo started to dry his hair as he walked to the door, opening it to see a very excited Bokuto with a bag of what Kuroo assumed was Alochol.

"I bought Mike's Hard Lemonade cause you said you don't like how beer taste also I bought this vodka called Pink Whitney I don't know what it taste like, but I liked how it looked also some guy at the store said I was buying girly drinks but like what makes it girly?" Bokuto stated, as soon as he walked into the apartment taking his shoes off at the front door. "Anyways it's good to see you again Kuroo!" Bokuto exclaimed seeing the bag down.

"Good to see you also we should decide what kinda food we want, I can cook if you want or we can order in." Kuroo suggested

"Wait, you can cook?" Bokuto asked surprised.

"Bokuto, I'm twenty-six and live alone I'd hope I could cook something edible." Kuroo chuckled, "do you cook?"

"Yeah but it's just healthy meal prep stuff, I don't really ever have time for a cheat day so I'm stuck with tons of veggies, rice, chicken, and fish."

"Oh well how about we order in I only have healthy stuff right now, it can be a cheat day for both of us." Kuroo suggested

"Oh yay! Okay, um, I dont know what I want!" Bokuto exclaimed bouncing silently on the balls of his feet.

"Well theres this new pizza place near here that my co-workers have been raving about, I havent had it yet seeing I dont eat out often. Wanna try it?" Kuroo asked.

Bokuto ended up agreeing to the pizza place they orders a medium pizza to share, some breadsticks and a salad so they didnt feel to bad about their choice of food. Kuroo ended up grabbing himself a can of the mikes harder handing one to Bokuto before placing the rest in the fridge.

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