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Kuroo wants to tit-fuck Bokuto so bad he downright begs for it; it's definitely out of character of his, but he feels it will be worth it. Bokuto never looks uncomfortable at the proposition—just blushy, taken aback

Heaven, seems to part the clouds when one day he mutters "Fine."

They're snuggling after a shower, half-heartedly planning the rest of their day off when Bokuto says yes to it, and Kuroo's on him faster than he can think anything else of it

He straddles his ribcage, strong and bulky arms pushing down to squeeze generously at Bokuto's pecs.

They're so soft, giving beautifully with an intoxicating firmness. Kuroo feels himself twitch and harden to life just thinking of what he's about to do to him, his balls resting near his heartbeat

The rough pads of his thumbs graze over Bokuto's nipples.

Pebbling them, kneading his supple flesh to a fixed point where Kuroo knows he's most sensitive. His touch is consistent and engaged, forceful but not overly so thirsty eyes flick up to read Bokuto's face, and his breath catches when he's met with such bashfulness.

Bokuto's pointedly looking away, flushed down to his cut collarbone, lips drawn tight like he might say something he doesn't want to Kuroo takes advantage of this, scooting in and reaching over to guide his full erection between Bokuto's tits.

His hands return to each pec, his fingers a sturdy grip, cradling the sides and digging in just so.

"M'gonna start," he tells him—frankly, trying not to shake with excitement.


and Kuroo does.

It's a little dry at first, but once he's spread what little pre-cum he's produced it's somewhat better, and it gives him an idea he crawls up, knees at Bokuto's armpits, idly stroking his cock over stunningly rosy skin, and leans in to tap his sensitive cockhead to Bokuto's sweet mouth

Smooth lips part thoughtlessly and Kuroo slowly dips inside, sliding over Bokuto's wet and slack tongue

Kuroo clears his throat, finds his voice. "Please," he asks, "get me wet?"

Something clicks in Bokuto's eyes, and he does.

He moves and licks and sucks like he's on a mission, and, yeah, Kuroo's a simple man, so he's lost in it for a moment

It occurs to him, almost too late, that Bokuto might be trying to make him come before he goes back to—yeah.

He pulls back, back into position and smiles. He strokes Bokuto's cheek and it's warm to the touch. "Are you sure this is okay?"

"Yes," Bokuto grunts. Kuroo tilts his head, because he knows that Bokuto knows he's picked up on his doubt. "I—wanna see you try it."

Kuroo readjusts in his spot and runs a hand through his own clean hair. Bokuto's response was honest and simple. "yeah? okay."

He bites his lip, refocusing on his boyfriend's chest and pushes those plush tits to squeeze over his now aching cock

Kuroo thrusts, and this time he glides.

"Hngh—" he chokes, bending forward some as he works, not at all prepared for how good it feels. "oh fuck."

"Just tits," Bokuto grumbles, like it's some duh reminder. [sassy bokuto]

But Kuroo's already speeding up, losing his mind watching the damp head of his cock slide in and out of Bokuto’s cleavage

"Your tits," he gasps, like it's some answer

Bokuto doesn't respond, looking away again, apparently embarrassed that this is actually getting Kuroo off, and fuck, is it;

He feels himself pulse at Bokuto's expression alone—the way his cock points to it, as if in emphasis.

Bokuto stretches his neck and angles his face away and that's okay, that's fine because his necks so pretty. Kuroo thinks about coming there, shooting up onto his sharp jawline, painting him with it

"Hah, fuck," he breathes, then whines, "Koutaro"

"Gonna finish soon?"

Kuroo swallows. "yeah"

He squeezes harder, ruts faster, tenses his thighs around Bokuto’s ribcage. "yeah," he repeats.

Bokuto blushes deeper at this, and Kuroo's heart throbs. "baby," he tries, and he'd touch his face again if both his hands weren't so busy. "thank you, Koutaro. you're so good for me—"

Kuroo's breath punches out of him,

His voice lost on an 'h—' sound. all his muscles tense up, shocks of warm, fuzzy pleasure shooting up and down his whole body. "mmn, your pervert. only for you. all for you, Koutaro, baby—"

He's coming before he knows it, his balls trapped and pumping out everything he's got.

Onto Bokuto's fevered skin.

The first few spurts land gorgeously over his strained neck, but Kuroo's quick to pull back and stroke out the rest over his gleaming chest;

He watches with clouded vision as he squeezes and coats his boyfriend’s chest in white-hot cum.

It's a lot both visually and literally.

He finishes, and Bokuto's breathing hard like he's the one whose brain just melted out of his ears

"So fucking hot," Kuroo urges in one quick breath, leaning in like he just can't stay upright, lolling out his tongue meet to the mess he made.

"That's sick," Bokuto rumbles, petting through his hair, making no move to stop him

Kuroo licks it all up—slowly, taking his time—dragging his teeth here and there, and then uses his wet and sticky mouth to suck Bokuto's nipples until he's outright squirming.

It's with intense and right joy that Kuroo soon allows himself to be flipped and gradually pounded into the mattress, reprimanded the whole time.

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