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It had been a really tough day for Bokuto. He’d been practising in the gym for hours, despite his college team telling him to chill out and take a break. He hadn’t, and now his limbs were very sore and uncomfortable. 

As he walked through the door of his shared dorm, he began thinking of how to relax. He lived with his best friend Kuroo, so he could easily just fuck around with him for a bit.

He quickly made his way to Kuroo’s door, too excited to register the soft sounds of moans from behind it. He immediately flew the door open as soon as he reached it.

“Kuroo! I have a--!“ He froze, looking at the scene in front of him. Kuroo looked at him just as shocked.

Kuroo had his back against his bed, sitting up right with his jeans around his ankles. His right hand was wrapped tightly around his throbbing cock, (Bokuto could tell he was about seven inches at LEAST) while his left had two fingers shoved deep in his hole.

The ravenette blushed a bright red, removing his hands from his body and pulling his jeans back up. 

“B-Bo... I didn’t think you’d be home tonight...“ Kuroo turned his head away in shame, his arms wrapping around his legs and pulling them up to his chin. Bokuto still hadn’t said anything, he just kept staring at Kuro’s crotch area even though his dick was now hidden from his eyes. That fact for some reason made him annoyed.

If looks could kill, Kuroo’s jeans would have disintegrated right there and then. “U-Uhm... You didn’t hear anything right?“

“No. Why?“ He still didn’t take his eyes away, making Kuroo put his hands over the tent in his jeans. Kuroo shook his head, keeping his gaze to the ground. “Hey Kuroo?“

“Mm?“ He only hummed in reply, too ashamed to speak to him.

“Do you know why I really want to suck you off right now?“ This made his head snap towards him. He look utterly bewildered at the sudden question. He looked into Bokuto’s eyes, searching for some sort of playfulness, but his eyes were genuinely curious.


“I want to suck you off. Like, really bad.“ Bokuto moved forwards, kneeling beside the male. His eyes were still lazer focused in the same spot as he removed Kuroo’s hands. Kuroo on the other hand was a stuttering mess.

He really wanted to say yes, but he felt like Bokuto already knew the answer to that.

Bokuto gently slid Kuroo’s jeans down, taking them off completely. Now the only item of clothing that stood between him and Kuroo’s dick was the fabric of his boxers. Bokuto almost ripped them as he took them off, animalistically desperate to have Kuroo’s cock in his mouth.

He’d never felt this way towards his friend before, so it perplexed him on why he was acting like this all of a sudden.

He had to admit. Kuroo was hot as hell. If given the opportunity, Bokuto would ask him out in a heartbeat. But he never wanted to ruin the friendship he had with the other, so he didn’t say anything. Which now made him pissed off. 

Bokuto hadn’t realised he had been sucking the tip of Kuroo’s cock until he heard a particularly loud moan erupt from the younger. His gaze flickered up to look at his face, almost smirking at the expression Kuroo was giving him. He lapped his tongue over the slit, before taking in as much as he could.

He was only able to take 3/4 of it in, wrapping his hand around the base. Unfortunately, Bokuto had a gag reflex, so he couldn’t deep throat Kuroo the way he wanted to. Maybe he could ask Akaashi for help. 

The sounds Kuroo was making was music to his ears; the moans, groans, whines, whimpers, the begging and pleas, even the dirty talk! He loved it all. 

“O-Oh fuck... Yeah, s-suck on that cock like it’s a fucking lollipop.. Just like that, fuckkkk...“ Kuroo’s breathing was eratic and uneven, which only made Bokuto want to make him cum faster. “Fuck, fuck, Bo, I’m gonna cum!!“ Bokuto let go of the base, pushing himself down until his nose was buried in Kuroo’s pubes.

He was surprised that the length of his friend’s dick wasn’t choking him that much. “FUCK! C-CHOKE ON IT, CHOKE ON IT!“ Kuroo was practically screaming now, pushing Bokuto’s head down even further. Bokuto tried to breathe through his nose, tears pooling in his eyes. He was definitely choking on it now. 

With one last scream from Kuroo, he came down Bokuto’s throat. Bokuto swallowed all of his seed, not letting a single drop escape his swollen lips. When he was freed, he pulled off of Kuroo and pulled him into a sloppy kiss. Their tongues danced with each other for a moment before Kuroo pulled away. “Eww! How did you swallow that?!“ He wiped his tongue furiously, earning a laugh from the other.

“It tasted sweet to me! Sweeter than a lollipop...“ He bit Kuroo’s earlobe, getting a soft grunt in return. Kuroo stood up, pulling Bokuto with him and shoving him down onto the bed. 

“Let me taste your lollipop then..."

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