♡ Moving In

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3 years, that’s how long Koutaro is going out with Tetsuro, but it was the first time he ever had a bad dream about them. It scared the shit out of Bokuto that he hurriedly went to Kuroo's house, in his pajamas, at dawn, he rang the doorbell, panting,

Kuroo who just woke up was shocked when he saw his boyfriend outside his unit.

“baby, did something happen?” he asked as he opened the door wider.

Bokuto didn’t waste a second and threw himself at Kuroo. “can you feel my love properly? Am I treasuring you right?”

Kuroo was caught off guard with the sudden questions and Kuroo for sure can tell how scared Bokuto is. So he wrapped his arms around the younger. “Yes. Always baby.”

“I had a bad dream, you walked away after saying that you don’t feel anything when you’re with me. That I was making you unhappy.” Bokuto held on Kuroo tighter.

Kuroo felt really sad just hearing that. it’s only a dream but it doesn’t mean it cant hurt. and it might be the go signal that he has been seeking for months so Kuroo went ahead and said,

“Move in with me, Koutaro.”

Bokuto cried his heart out in relief, because he’d been wanting to live with Kuroo for months now but too anxious to suggest it so he tried hard not to dwell on it. Bokuto not trusting his voice, nodded his head eagerly.

Kuroo kisses Bokuto's hair before locking eyes with him and said

“I love you and I’m not going anywhere.”

and Bokuto cried even more.


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